1. sort the cancer blackrock cross realm BGs out

    why do blackrock 19s spawn in literal potato sacks for gear and have to earn every piece of gear but 80's spawn with 1.2k ress, PVP weapons and healers who heal 30k with 1 button

    either remove cross realm BG's or give them furious gear, why the **** should people waste their time grinding months to get gear, enchants, gems, professions and arena rating to match up vs premades who don't even play the game or need to have any skill because they don't take damage or just get perm healed to full when they do

    punish the players who are actually loyal and play the game to reward people who just log in to smurf on randoms in quest gear in a premade

    90% of BGs are one sided slaughters based on whichever team gets the most blackrock players or the premade

    people have been complaining about this for years and nobodies realized its a problem yet? most games everyone just goes afk because its pointless to play when you get one shot in 5k+ gs and the enemy don't take damage

    I'd rather wait an hour for a BG than play these cancer pit lobbies

  2. and don't even get me started on WG

    just whichever team has more multiboxers or tenacity that decides who wins, why call it a pvp server if everything about the way its setup is damaging to the integrity, balance, skill and competitiveness of pvp

  3. Blackrock players from my experience are toxic let them play each other only.

  4. why do blackrock 19s spawn in literal potato sacks for gear and have to earn every piece of gear but 80's spawn with 1.2k ress, PVP weapons and healers who heal 30k with 1 button

    either remove cross realm BG's or give them furious gear, why the **** should people waste their time grinding months to get gear, enchants, gems, professions and arena rating to match up vs premades who don't even play the game or need to have any skill because they don't take damage or just get perm healed to full when they do

    punish the players who are actually loyal and play the game to reward people who just log in to smurf on randoms in quest gear in a premade

    90% of BGs are one sided slaughters based on whichever team gets the most blackrock players or the premade

    people have been complaining about this for years and nobodies realized its a problem yet? most games everyone just goes afk because its pointless to play when you get one shot in 5k+ gs and the enemy don't take damage

    I'd rather wait an hour for a BG than play these cancer pit lobbies
    IMO i absolutely agree, but Warmane has been pretty clear that they wont change anything and that they don't really care about further input on the issue. This thread will most probably be locked and you're gonna have to deal with being undergeared until you're bis.

  5. There is absolutely zero logic in putting insta-level80s with free pvp gear with ppl from other non-insta80s who have to grind their gear (other than "maybe" force some of them to buy bis gear with donations out of impatience). There, I said it.

  6. Just go play BR if u enjoy pvp i dont see problem,same thing was bothering me i went there since i play pvp 99% and problem was solved

  7. Do you think that is the problem? What about the damn multi boxing in winter??

  8. Blackrock players should start with furious gear, not relentless, its too much.

  9. Hello
    I also absolutly agree.
    I have 4,3 pvp GS, from about 4,1 it started giving me BG with more then half Blackrock players.
    It not possible to play. I do no dmg to them, and only get IK.
    The teams which get more this players win, on 70% it was horde, at me plays.

    It completly disgusted me to play on Warmane.

    I give up play here any more, but now giving a chance.
    Creating new char, where I simple will not go over 3-4K GS to enjoing normal BG.

  10. Thats the truth.
    The team that get more BR players win like 90% of the time.
    Warmane wont do anything and you will have to swallow that thing and keep on grinding your gear :/ ( which sucks ).

  11. In Lordaeron realm, after reaching level 80, I played for a month and went to icecrown 10 and got some armor, but it's not enough. I just 1 shotted by random blackrock guy wich is created his character 5 min ago. Everyday i just tryed 5-6 battleground for daily 25 arena points. Blackrock guys must be able to play in arenas only

  12. In Lordaeron realm, after reaching level 80, I played for a month and went to icecrown 10 and got some armor, but it's not enough. I just 1 shotted by random blackrock guy wich is created his character 5 min ago. Everyday i just tryed 5-6 battleground for daily 25 arena points. Blackrock guys must be able to play in arenas only
    What a wonderful fairytale you are telling here. That fresh Blackrock character can oneshot someone who is geared in 245/251 raid gear. And how don't tell which classes both of you were. And many other things.
    But yeah, all problems are from Blackrock, not random wagons who join BGs in crap PvE gear...

  13. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Blackrock players should start with furious gear, not relentless, its too much.
    I've changed my mind, Relentless is fine, I'm playing now on Blackrock realm.

    To be honest, even if they change that players starts with Furious it's late now, people have bunch of chars with Relentless gear.

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