1. Utorrent.

    Are you pirate????
    Pirate name.
    Pirate windows (prolly).
    Pirate content.

    Pista Depp or Johnny Pista is such a pirate.

  2. fistapista rek but funky rek moar

  3. share this pic of johnny depp for no reason

  4. fistapista rek but funky rek moar
    Fistapista dives defiles n others cant :D

  5. grats lucatiel for bolvar's devotion and loop of twin valks and basically every bis dropping cuz i entered dungeon one time in my entire life

  6. Loot:
    Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification - lucatiel wanted this
    Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification - lucatiel wanted this
    Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas - this is not an oathbinder???
    Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General - Lucatiel would have spent more dkp for this for cat dps set ty
    Edited: February 7, 2016

  7. Stop crying fegz.
    Edited: February 9, 2016

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