My mage dinged 110 on monday.
Already has two legendaries, 884 ilvl and kicking ***.
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My mage dinged 110 on monday.
Already has two legendaries, 884 ilvl and kicking ***.
I think i might be blind that's only one legendary equipped.
and this
is what it looks like when you have two equipped
Maybe becuase Im currently researching my class hall thing to wear my second legendary.
Well that's your problem you're looking for the invisible Mount and can't see if it drops when you should be looking for the invincible one
Maybe it dropped and you just didn't see it. )
Yes it's a joke because it's never visible in the loot table.
Today I managed to do absolutely nothing and think of absolutely nothing for a total of 3 hours... I think I know what a plants' life is like.
Play with fookin texture files....
Why it's pointless of my life ? I never come out house today....
Today I learnt to NEVER try and solo Immerseus Mythic.
It doesnt matter I'm an 890 Frost Mage.
It doesnt matter I do 23590745874 DPS
It was the most *** clenching experience ever.
I was losing my **** in discord, Dj was just listening to me go full autism over this.
3s to berserk timer, he transitioned and I cleared as many blobs as I could.
I have never released such a cry of relief before.
This was the single most stressful thing I've had to do in wow to date.... And plate and mail loot dropped...
Edited: May 11, 2017
One of the reasons why it's so nice to be a Paladin sometimes. Bosses like that are a push-over.
A Warlock or DK can't do Immerseus, or other such bosses like Valithria Dreamwalker, like a Paladin can though!
If I could do it on a mage, Im sure as hell able to doe it on a FDK since I have better cleave for the blobs.
I didnt need to heal any blobs... just focused on the attackable ones.
Yep, but you said you were freaking out about the enrage. A Paladin has no such concern.
Moderate yourself with your World of Warcraft talk, please. There are sections for that. This is Off-Topic.