I just came to the realization that the time between the fall of the USSR (Soviet Union, 1989) and the launch of WoW, is now the same length of time from the launch of WoW to today.
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I just came to the realization that the time between the fall of the USSR (Soviet Union, 1989) and the launch of WoW, is now the same length of time from the launch of WoW to today.
That's a fun fact Mercy. You are thinking in an interesting way.
Edit: I love those perky breasts on your new avatar. You're shining, they're too - sort of a beacon. Light beacon. I feel like I'd get sacred shield and healed for 5k if close by, or by looking at them.
Another Edit: Then touching equivalent would be Divine, Intervention that is.
Edited: June 14, 2018
I'm dumb at math, save me :V
Well then.
I often wonder how you normally react to people talking about bewbs and vagene with you :V
That tickles my mind occasionally.
Also, she's definitely shy, but handling it well. You can "feel" that even over the forums. Palutena being the opposite.
Edited: June 14, 2018
Glad she's not the type who scream injustice when you sort of e-sexual harrass her. :V
There's no "cool" girl that's that type and lets be honest, Mercy is cool. Otherwise, I wouldn't be saying this.
Edit: I just saw Valideno in game, for the first time - and he said hi Mercy.
Edited: June 14, 2018
I'm still shipping her with my best friend :V
Both EP's are 10/10.
Thanks, I've been looking for music.
ps. This is really good.
Edited: June 16, 2018
I bought a 75 inches 4k television, to play Nintendo Switch and Super Nintendo. Talk about pointless.
Marazhu ressurrected. What's up? I am prepared for the World Cup
Yeaaahhh. The Urban Flora EP is perfect for night time driving. Especially the first song. Dat PHAT bass
My memory is terrible. Are you deadlywanderer's boyfriend?