1. There is no such thing as skill in wow. It's called tactical button mashing.

  2. 30k is normal damage in cataclysm

    when i was playing cataclysm on retail i often had 50-60k crits with hammer of wrath.

  3. 30k is normal damage in cataclysm

    when i was playing cataclysm on retail i often had 50-60k crits with hammer of wrath.
    I'm getting around 40-50k on my pala right now.

    The thing about dk's is, most of our damage isn't big crits, its just really fast. We'll hit alot of 20-30k crits in a short amount of time if we get lucky with KM procs

  4. Here how my abilties are arange on my bar on frost spec
    1 - FS
    2 - HB/CoI
    3 - NS/PS
    4-0 - RANDOM DK abilities

    I shmash 2 times on buton 2 on my kboard
    After that I press two times on 3
    When i do this extremly hard operation I press 1

    I use 2 CoIs for more runic power so i can smah longer on button 1

    This is proper right or i`m doin` something wrong

    Your tactical button mashing is same or?

    And every dk can do this bla bla dmg with bla bla buffs/procs
    I don't press the same buttons for every fight. It all depends on what class im fighting.

  5. i played every class in cata, and i can say there's not a single one that's hard to play
    skill is completly independent from ur class or spec, it relies on timing and awareness only, ofc 95% of the ppl here have none of both so thwy go QQ, "insert class here" is so weak, "insert another class here" owns me so hard

    to all of u learn to play or stay with ur mouth shut

  6. Yeah, but now do it in full greens.

    Fuzzy was 2.2k+ in crafted pvp. In 3v3.
    I got 2 reasons why Fuzzy managed that.

    1st being Dotznblast - OP little spriest
    2nd begin Birillo - undoubtedly the best holy pala on sarg, Me and him got 2.2k together.

    could you get carried moar?

  7. i played every class in cata, and i can say there's not a single one that's hard to play
    skill is completly independent from ur class or spec, it relies on timing and awareness only, ofc 95% of the ppl here have none of both so thwy go QQ, "insert class here" is so weak, "insert another class here" owns me so hard

    to all of u learn to play or stay with ur mouth shut
    Exactly the point I've been trying to make. It's not skill, its your ability to know what to do, and when.

    You can learn how to play any class by just reading a guide for 30 minutes.

  8. I got 2 reasons why Fuzzy managed that.

    1st being Dotznblast - OP little spriest
    2nd begin Birillo - undoubtedly the best holy pala on sarg, Me and him got 2.2k together.

    could you get carried moar?
    I knew he was being carried, but he could still beat my dk when he was wearing the crafted. Granted, it is hard for dk's to take out ferals that know what they're doing.

  9. I knew he was being carried, but he could still beat my dk when he was wearing the crafted. Granted, it is hard for dk's to take out ferals that know what they're doing.
    it's a feral druid, **** a druid in great gear can rape anything.

  10. There are ways to beat ferals, I've managed to find a way to beat ferals in duels. It's pretty simple actually, you have to burst when the feral starts bursting. So that you do sooo much damage that he won't be able to handle it and force him to waste predators into cyclones instead of regrowth. Keep him in bear while always staying at 60% hp atleast if you tend to drop lower than 60%before he pops cd's you are dead.

  11. The only classes I can't seem to counter on my DK are Druids and Rogues. Never will Inde duel them as a DK.

  12. I just witnessed a player calling another player a loser because he plays Wow for a longer amount of time than him.

    Kill yourselves, both of you.

  13. Bitmorn's Avatar
    There has been far too much flaming in this thread. I had to delete over 60 posts - count yourself lucky that I didn't delete the thread entirely.

    Keep it friendly or I will delete it.

  14. Yesterday I decide to change my UH spec to see whats so hard with this frost
    And here is my keysmashing video
    Result: 42k crit self buffs
    Stop playing wrong spec xD

  15. Yesterday I decide to change my UH spec to see whats so hard with this frost
    And here is my keysmashing video
    Result: 42k crit self buffs

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