1. One stupid question about enhance but still...

    Well guys i ve been playing enhance for two years and cata enhance is fun and stuff...

    So i wanna ask some stupid question that bothers me about the CATA enhance about lava burst
    I mean i know that it isnt on maelstrom and many people will stop reading on the hardcast lava burst part BUT if u have decent amount of haste that comes with gear ofc and when BL pops up can u land two, three maybe four lava burst between melee attacks ? Is it really worth it ? I mean it benefits from mastery pretty good and stuff even from AP (4.3.4 mental quickness) and its gonna hit some really good numbers. And you can maybe use it as filler spell when it is <1.5 secs

    the only downsides are that you cant land it perfectly between the melee attacks and thus missing maybe 10k dmg ? and maybe a maelstrom stack or two but still its gonna hit 100% more than those attacks if you use flameshock (which is a must if you ask me)

  2. It's not something I've ever really considered or tested, but I highly doubt it would have any true benefits. While the damage from the spell may not be very low, it's also not enough to justify using it, even if you, for some reason, had enough haste to make it a very quick cast, which isn't likely as any haste we acquire is usually reforged out instantly. Even when the timing lines up and we have a pretty long down time between main abilities, the loss of melee damage, Maelstrom Weapon and Windfury procs is just too much for it.

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