1. Simple question

    When is the old content approximately gonna be up?2-3 months-half a year-year.Do you even consider bringing it live.I really miss 60/70 twinking clearing BT,Hyjal,SWP...I hope i'll finally receive an answer so i'll know when to start again.And yeah i am asking here in the Sargeras section cause almost all of my friends are here and since i don't know if you are going to open the instances for all the Cata realms simultaneously i am asking particularly about this one.

  2. Instances usually get released at the same time on every cata server, as to when they'll be open http://www.wowwiki.com/Soon

  3. Our first and logic intention is to fix newest content first as it is the one used for most people.
    For example (recent), we considered that fixing Dalaran and Battle for Gilneas were more important than a few old dungeons which few people do and just to get some transmog gear and its archievement.

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