1. aola's Avatar

    Sweet Memories: Molten Events (2013-2014)


    I think we had a great time, playing with last year's events.

    I felt the need to share some of my videos, captured almost a year ago.


    -The vicious EM: Mr Egg-


    Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KVEBcxwhCA

  2. Glad to see you enjoyed the eventS. Too bad when I opened up this video in public, my headphones were unplugged, and the sound turned all the way up... "Can you feel the thunder inside" :/

  3. Please...No....More....Barrels!!!!!!!!!

  4. I dont get it either.

  5. DBGHOST0's Avatar
    Hmph? I lost you at... egg...

  6. Okay there is an egg that moves?

  7. DBGHOST0's Avatar
    What would be even better if a game master turns into a globe and players have a set about of time to defeat the gm before all of them are destroyed by this globe monstrosity.

    This puts horde and allaince players to work together to stop a common threat.

    Think of an angry globe who appears at a location to rain havoc on the players before it.
    A basic event idea, but still interesting and random.

    This one is okay, but more engaging stuff for all levels and factions would be nice.

  8. aola's Avatar
    Well during last year's events (2013), we had GMs and EMs invite us to groups, to participate in these "trials".

    During that time, EMs and GMs were supervising the encounter, but also entertained (and trolled) the players.

    For example, they used to alter their shape into various things. If you had the chance to participate, you must remember the egg, the turtle, the giant Gnome robot, but even LK and Deathwing (i think he hatched from that egg!!).

    I still remember a GM (Cognoscere? I am not sure) that was at the start of the "stairs" event, throwing vicious comments to people ("hey, you shoul try and jump those stairs, not fall down, you are doing it all wrong") and another one that tried to do the event as a Giant Gnome Robot (and failed :P).

    There were also some snowmen events, that resulted in crazy world PvP encounters.

    Last but not least, some people tried their own shows, to further emerge in the event spirit. I remember a small beauty contest in Dalaran (well basically naked humans and b.elfs, were pounding some hammers--work it girl, work it).

    Overall, we had a great time, and I am really happy that Molten decided to do the events again, while taking into consideration the feedback from last year.

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