This topic was originally posted by Shamehraxx

Hi, and welcome to Hkz's warrior guide for this patch.
We will be covering everything on how your warrior should work.
Before we begin, you will ask yourself: Why should I listen to this guy how to play, I got a Rival title on my time on retail so I think I can be helpfull to your playstyle at least in some aspect.
For all you lazy readers here is the youtube video mentioning all this in audio form.[YT]OVx_Hf6Y53U[/YT]

1. Talents
Tier 1 : Double Time - I prefer to have 2 charges apart from one which you will get from Juggernaut, you will say but fu I got 20 sec CD then, so what? You have 2 charges which can be used vs mages/hunts (blinks/dissengage), if you really want Jugger go for it, but Warbringer is not an option.
Tier 2 :Second Wind without a doubt, if you take anything else just uninstall
Tier 3: Piercing Howl I pref. this because I have the aoe / range slow, the other shouts are also viable but this is for me by far the best one.
Tier 4 : There are variations to this, For BGs go for Bladestorm, arenas Shockwave for control, Dragons roar only in BGs as I would say fury when you just wanna 1 shot someone and /afk.
Tier 5 : Safeguard, brakes roots combined with banners or your partner.
Toer 6 : Bloodbath or Stormbolt, Bloodbath would be best used with Bladestorm, and storm bolt with shockwave for maximum arena control (note they do share DR)

This is very customizable depending on your playstyle.
My personal pref. are: Glyph Of Mortal Strike ( very effective if your with a heal )
Glyph of Shield Wall The only one I would say for 100%, it is a very big plus for damage midigation
Glyph Of Bull Rush or Glyph of Death from Above, the 1st one gives you more rage on charge, and the second one reduces your heroic leap cooldown, I personally take bull rush for the extra rage since Defensive stance but both are pretty viable.
All minor glyphs are cosmetic and up to you

Enchants : Not much to explain.
Shoulders: 200 Str + 100 Crit (Greater Tiger Fang Inscription)
Cloak: 180 Crit (Superior Critical Strike)
Chest: 200 PvP Resilience (Super Resilience)
Wrist: 170 Str (Exceptional Strength)
Hands: 170 Str (Super Strength)
Waist: Living Steel Belt Buckle
Legs: 285 Str & 165 Crit (Angerhide Leg Armor)
Feet: 140 Mastery & Movement speed bonus (PandarenÔÇÖs Step)
Weapon: Dancing Steel (if youÔÇÖre low on gold use Windsong instead)

Gems : also not much to explain
Meta: Reverbeating Primal Diamond, 216 Strength, 3% Increased Critical Effect
Red: 80 Strength + 160 Crit Rating (Inscribed Vermillion Onyx)
Blue: 160 Crit Rating + 80 PvP Power (Radiant Wild Jade)
Yellow: 320 Crit Rating (Smooth Sun's Radiance)

Stats: Ok simple just like every patch cap your HIT - 3%, expertise 3%, then you go for critical/strength, haste/mastery are the same **** personally to me, but I would take mastery over haste for the reason you will be on your target a lot and hiting him constantly meaning your mastery will proc a lot.

Rotation, lets get one thing straight there is no PvP rotation, with that being said there are certain priorities
1st is Mortal Strike use it off CD, it is your bread and butter for Arms
2nd keep Hamstring on the target as much as you can the slow is pretty nice
3rd Thunder clap every 30 sec to keep the debuff up
4th Using your overpowers, this is tricky and very situation based, if you are vs a rogue or some dodge class use them whenever you have them, if not then use them when you have too little rage for slams.
5th Slam use only when you think you have enough rage I would say around 45,50+, you can always use overpower so don't push it.
6th Piercing howl when they are getting away spam.

Burst: Reck + Your trinket / racial if orc, avatar bloodbath and what not.
How it goes get to at least 80 rage, apply colosus smash pop the macro and start dumping in slams, or vs a rogue dump your improved overpowers.

Remember how we mentioned the intervene to brake roots well my warrior brothers here is our epic macro for that .

#showtooltip Mocking Banner
/targetexact Skull Banner
/targetexact Demoralizing Banner
/targetexact Mocking Banner
/cast [noraid, noparty, noharm] Safeguard
/targetlasttarget [noraid, noparty, noharm, exists]
/cast Mocking Banner

Next Cancle BS and pummel
Cancle Bladestorm And Pummel: #showtooltip Bladestorm
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast Pummel

Partner Intervene
#showtooltip Safeguard
/cast [target=Part Name Here] Safeguard

Special Charge macro only in the video :)

Focus Stormbolt
#showtooltip Storm Bolt
/cast [target=focus]Storm Bolt

Viable Combs:
2v2 I would say go with a healer or with a hunter, with a heal you do havoc on to anyone you are a killing machine.
With a hunter your damage and control is so high its just stupid xD.

3v3 KFC,Thuner cleave or WMD
KFC - Good old KFC, control, dmg and survive I would take a resto druid for more control, pala also viable I wouldn't recommend a shaman.
Thunder - Enha/ele, healer and you, I tried both I liked ele more cause of the off heals but still enha burst + your reck is awesome.
WMD - Warrior / Mage / Druid - Awesome control, awesome damage, awesome survive just awesome!

I think that covers it, if you are interested in something just write down below, have a nice day or night depending on the time you are reading this.
