Correct me if im wrong,but Stormstout Brewery after 1st boss you see all the content as Friendly and Gate of the Setting Sun after the 1st boss "the way its shut" ( LOTR reference :) ) ?!
Is this list even accurate? I tried entering Razorfen instances and neither would let me in. The game just looses all it's appeal with it is all level 90's running around. Personally I enjoy the grouping with family and friends at lower levels and running dungeons. I have a lot of kids and I have a full party just with them. We enjoy the dungeons a lot more than the pvp aspect and its just missing. Do any of the servers on Warmane have lower level working instances? If they are not going to activate them here on MOP might need to switch over or something.
I would recommend Wotlk realms Lordaeron x1 exp rates and rdf disabled, so need to run to every dungeon. Progressive realm so not all end game raids open yet.
Icecrown x7 exp rates rdf enabled.
Almost all (99%) dungeons/raids works in Wotlk realms.
I just found this!! Correct me if I'm wrong, but with there being way fewer dungeons and everyone "queuing" for dungeons, wouldn't the wait be alot lower and queues being faster? I was in queue a few days ago for 2 hours and 48 minutes before I gave up. Just saying, it doesn't make sense? Or is the Random Dungeon Finder not working at all correctly? I'm on Frostwolf, Alliance.
Stop ppl...They cant fix WOTLK or BC raids before they fix and open fully MoP raids and scenarios!!! What you have of icc and bt...Here on MoP raids you get faster gold and get achivs and begs,weapons,armor that is high item level!!! So pls stop spamming this shhit before they sucessfully open all MoP raids!!! :)