1. Kolex, that's practically what all members of the Knights of the Ebon Blade are, since from the moment they freed themselves they started fighting the Scourge (which is by all definitons evil). That is the advantage of free will - they can become anything (theoretically even a farmer or a simple-living person, but they still need to torture/kill stuff).

  2. As Eldonius already said that is what the Ebon Blade actually is already. THough you dont have to be like them at all. Free will you can do anything even rejoin the scourge.

    However the scourge is not evil by ALL definitions. Dont forget the goal of the scourge is to destroy the burning legion. Nerzhuls goal is to kill sargeras. He does so by any means necessary. The scourge is evil from the perspective of a human(oid) being that only sees 1 world.
    Are the titans evil because they are ready to destroy all of azeroth in order to protect the UNIVERSE from the old gods?
    is it evil to sacrifice 10 people in order to save 10 billion? Wouldnt it be much more evil to let 10 billion people die in order to save just 10?

    The scourge uses practises that can be said to be evil, but in itself it serves a greater purpose and may actually be the only force in the universe that could indeed stop the burning legion and the legion is far worse than the scourge.

    I can actually see the scourge, under bolvar, just using corpses that died naturally to boost its armies and only taking those willing to serve. after all, eternal unlife and power aint that bad a deal.

  3. Cool Eldonius just like i thought
    OrkarIsber titans are lawul natural,they strive to preserve balance to the Universe
    In eyes of some they are good in eyes of someone they are evil but the thing is that they doing only that has to be done
    by the way that also deepends on situation u cant to generalize that... lets say on this way.I can kill killer and rapeist
    but i cant chose betwen 2 group of innocent people no good man can chose that

    Think about this Uther the Lightbringer,he didnt helped Arthas to burn stratholme and stop pleauge from spreading (or Jaina),why because he isnt like that he cant kill someone innocent to help another innocent its maybe right but its not good,thats why they cant be consider to be good

    btw, sorry for my bad english :)
    Edited: April 6, 2015

  4. np i am german ^^

    And there is my point . the scourge can legally be viewed as evil but that doesnt mean it is actually evil. In the end it does serve a greater purpose and since it utilises the dead it does have a real chance to stand against the burning legion.
    If the scourge is done with a planet, at least some forms of life can still be found (mostly plants and a few animals) if the legion is done with a planet...there is no more planet.
    The scourge grants eternal life and power to those willing to join, i think that is quite a good deal, the legion just offers power without immortality and while both corrupt you, the scourge doesnt make those joining willingly mindless slaves, the legion does that even to its allies

  5. May 25, 2015  
    Shouldnt there be a sticky for a guide collection? So that a new player finds guides to RPing races, classes etc. easily? cause i think this thread deserves a mention^^

  6. I havent time to read it all, but for what I've read you got one point wrong. You say that a DK can be "kinda" as a living being... I've read alot and lore wise that wont be true. What happens is that to become a DK you can:

    Be killed in combat/ be captured and killed, then raised as a DK, or

    "Embrace" the way of the DK, kinda like what happens with Arthas, and few by few abandon the world of the living and be a part of the world of the dead... you dont actually have a death... you become undead few by few...

    Once again, I havent read the whole thing because I didnt had the time to do it, but to be a DK, you must be an undead being, now, you can almost stop the rotting process by taking care of your hygien, you dont want an arm to fall during combat right?

  7. Hi!

    Back when I played in Wrath I liked to collect as much information as I could on Death Knights. They were the new hotness, so to speak, and people had a lot of questions, and I generally like being helpful.

    That being said, while I do enjoy the effort and time put into this guide, I do have a few questions/concerns with parts of it. I do feel some parts are incorrect, but in the end this is your thread and you can do whatever you like with it.

    So I would like to ask, would you mind if I pointed out what I had issue with and perhaps we could discuss about them? (Also I realize this is sort of an old thread, and that kind of makes me sad! Death Knights are one of my favorite topics)

  8. "what happens with Arthas, and few by few abandon the world of the living and be a part of the world of the dead... you dont actually have a death... you become undead few by few..."

    - That is open to debate. There is lore that states that those 2nd generation DKs actually are undead even though they never actually died and there is lore that states, that second generation DKs are not undead but became immortal. As seen with Arthas he does not have quite some benefits of undead - he was still vulnerable to pain, poisons and becoming incapacitated when he already has been a DK for years which speaks a lot against his undead state. Also when Frostmourne shatters an undead DK would die immediately as the Runeblade contains ALL of the DKs life source.
    However we see that Arthas still breathes (indicator 1) and continues to speak etc. after frostmournes destruction meaning he still has some life force inside himself making him alife. Also he actually DIES in the cutscene which an undead creature would not do. So Arthas seemingly was still alive the whole time.

    @ Slywyn sure we can discuss as much as you like ^^ Im kinda a loremonster myself and love to speak about it

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