1. Question abot hunter traps...

    I wanna ask, after the update if someone is after me when i put a trap for him, he doest get in the trap. I must go back for a sec or he must stay one sec on the trap to get it. This is not very good if some melle class is right afer me and i want to run away, cuz when i am running and he is behind me, when i put freezing trap or snake trap, nothing happens...
    My question is this the right "form" (dont know how to say it) of these spells, cuz before the big problems with molten, the spells werent like this.
    Edited: April 8, 2015

  2. If this is for cataclysm...

    Recently, traps have been fixed.
    Normally, it placing a trap while you were outside of combat would make it trigger instantly(when walked upon).
    Although, I think it could still be bugged!
    Placing a trap while out of combat should take 1 second to trigger but it seems that it currently is 2 seconds!(however its supposed to be 2 seconds when in combat)
    If someone can confirm that it takes 2 seconds to trigger when you place the trap out of combat, then it would be good that it gets fixed to 1 second, thus increasing viability in 1v1 against melees opponents.

  3. On wotlk traps had no trigger time and were very overpowered, you could trap anyone by just aiming at them and they would not be able to run away from it, you didn't need scatter shot or another type of CC so they would get trapped. As far as I know, this has been fixed, and it's working like intended now.

  4. What i like to do is Freeze Trap so they are stuck in an ice block then I feign-death to get out of combat and mount up. Works especially well with improved traps and path finding. Although about your question I cannot answer because I play Wotlk and that never happens. It's almost instant, but players CAN resist traps, rendering them ineffective.

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