1. PvP or PvE gear?

    Hey guys!

    So Im just about to hit 9o on my lock, and was wondering, how does PvP and PvE gear differ on Warmane?

    I only plan on dping PvP content (BGs, Arenas, world PvP) so Im wondering what to take?

    I heard big numbers are shown with PvE gear on, then Ive heard PvP gear is always better in PvP.

    Also, would PvP power work in a world PvP encounter?

    How much better would one be over another and what makes it so?

    Sorry, Im quite new haha and wa sjust wondering.

    Thanks in advance, Demo.

  2. since this is molten wow and not retail pve trinkets are op in pvp.

    if this will get fixed you can vendor the pve gear tho, it should be useless in pvp encounters.

    yes pvp power works in open world pvp. nontheless full pve gear is far superior to full pvp gear due to the much higher ilvl - but only in open world pvp.

    okay this might be irretating, so : if you rly care bout open world pvp : pve gear
    if you only wanna do arenas : pvp gear
    Edited: April 13, 2015

  3. PvP gear always for battlegrounds and arenas, in world pvp now PvP gear is better too, because we don't have heroic pve items and trinkets.

    PvE only in raids

  4. PvP gear is superior until the end game PvE content is released (it'll be a while).

    Think of the PvP gear as gear with one stat extra (PvP power), rest of the numbers are in the exact same amount if we talk same ilvl.
    This is also reason why PvP gear is just as good as PvE gear because you lose absolutely nothing (though you may prefer to combine if you can due to different stats of different gears (PvE might get have hit rating more frequently on it, for example). Plus, much easier to get PvP set bonuses.

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