1. I switched to LoL and log into wow just to play 1bg,one day i plaz arenas till cap and log in to chat with some girl from UK thats it.

  2. MoP's dying. PvE and PvP are not to be taken seriously.

  3. MoP's dying. PvE and PvP are not to be taken seriously.
    Well of course it's dying, with the terrible rate of fixes. There are huge bugs posted 5 months ago that should have been fixed in a matter of days/weeks and they sit there some on the medium category of importance which ofc just shows ppl handling it have either not played wow or arent very good at it and have no grasp of the severity of a bug. As an example they appear to think buffs staking up to 40% of ap/spell plus couple of 5% bonus str/intel/agy, 30% of stamina and so on is not game breaking both for pvp and pve but especially pvp ( in bgs with all buffs stacked the dmg is insane for the gear available). Population will keep decreasing constantly no matter the rates, transfer or anything like that simply because it's not about that. Frostwolf is losing players too but it doesnt show yet cuz some moved form Sargeras to Frostwolf and started again there.
    Edited: April 22, 2015

  4. Well of course it's dying, with the terrible rate of fixes. There are huge bugs posted 5 months ago that should have been fixed in a matter of days/weeks and they sit there some on the medium category of importance which ofc just shows ppl handling it have not played wow and have no grasp of the severity of a bug. As an example they appear to think buffs staking up to 40% of ap/spell plus couple of 5% bonus str/intel/agy, 30% of stamina and so on is not game breaking both for pvp and pve but especially pvp. Population will keep decreasing constantly no matter the rates, transfer or anything like that simply because it's not about that. Frostwolf is losing players too but it doesnt show yet cuz some moved form Sageras to Frostwolf and started again there.
    its not only that servers are bad scripted MOP in general is really casual expansion and people got bored of it really fast.even on retail WOW had 11-12m subs at the begining of MOP and at the end they drop to 6m.
    Edited: April 22, 2015

  5. ...MOP in general is really casual expansion and people got bored of it really fast...
    And that is your personal opinion. A lot of people actually found MoP to be a pretty good expansion, including myself.

    Although the problem here is that a lot of fun stuff in MoP isn't available here. The storyline of the continent is non existent: quests that work in Pandaria are usually kill-collect ones, no scenarios, no lorewalker stuff in the world and in raids, no big quest chains from 5.1 (there aren't even ally/horde bases in krasarang), no legendary questline and so on.

    The PvP in Warmane MoP? 3 bgs and arena grind if you're high ilvl. If you're low, you are stuck with grinding bgs with green gear since there are no crafted 476s in-game. The classes aren't balanced so the next guy you meet is proooobably going to be a warrior.

    The PvE? Several dungeons are open with only MSP really working ok. SSB is plagued with LoS and mechanic problems, GotSS is not spawning the 3rd boss a lot of times, TotJS has problems with freakin OP mobs and the 3rd boss doesn't appear anymore, SoNT is on/off for months now and SPM I only ran once so I can't comment. RDF isn't rewarding VPs nor rep so there aren't a lot of people doing RDF at all. As for raids, MSV is now working kinda okay if you aren't locked out after the first boss, but there isn't really a point in running it anymore, ToES Sha encounter is definitely not "Blizz-like" and ToT... yeah... feels like we're still on the PTR.
    Another major problem with PvE is that you can obtain the same or better gear through PvP much faster and easier because raids in their current state are a pain to get through.

    Brawler's guild isn't working. :'(

    Pet battles are not imp... okay okay, you guys are too manly for "some Pokemon cr*p", I get it... :D

    The biggest issues I personally have is that gearing alts is such a pain with the only route being "getting clobbered and annoying other teammates in BGs until you get Tyra gear" or chain running MSP HC till no tomorrow.

    Wow, it wasn't my intention to write a wall of text but the thing is I haven't even covered all the major issues. :/

    Edit: one more thing I can't leave out is the missing low level raids and dungeons.
    Edited: April 22, 2015

  6. And that is your personal opinion. A lot of people actually found MoP to be a pretty good expansion, including myself.

    Although the problem here is that a lot of fun stuff in MoP isn't available here. The storyline of the continent is non existent: quests that work in Pandaria are usually kill-collect ones, no scenarios, no lorewalker stuff in the world and in raids, no big quest chains from 5.1 (there aren't even ally/horde bases in krasarang), no legendary questline and so on.

    The PvP in Warmane MoP? 3 bgs and arena grind if you're high ilvl. If you're low, you are stuck with grinding bgs with green gear since there are no crafted 476s in-game. The classes aren't balanced so the next guy you meet is proooobably going to be a warrior.

    The PvE? Several dungeons are open with only MSP really working ok. SSB is plagued with LoS and mechanic problems, GotSS is not spawning the 3rd boss a lot of times, TotJS has problems with freakin OP mobs and the 3rd boss doesn't appear anymore, SoNT is on/off for months now and SPM I only ran once so I can't comment. RDF isn't rewarding VPs nor rep so there aren't a lot of people doing RDF at all. As for raids, MSV is now working kinda okay if you aren't locked out after the first boss, but there isn't really a point in running it anymore, ToES Sha encounter is definitely not "Blizz-like" and ToT... yeah... feels like we're still on the PTR.
    Another major problem with PvE is that you can obtain the same or better gear through PvP much faster and easier because raids in their current state are a pain to get through.

    Brawler's guild isn't working. :'(

    Pet battles are not imp... okay okay, you guys are too manly for "some Pokemon cr*p", I get it... :D

    The biggest issues I personally have is that gearing alts is such a pain with the only route being "getting clobbered and annoying other teammates in BGs until you get Tyra gear" or chain running MSP HC till no tomorrow.

    Wow, it wasn't my intention to write a wall of text but the thing is I haven't even covered all the major issues. :/

    Edit: one more thing I can't leave out is the missing low level raids and dungeons.
    yes its my opinion however if you look blizzard sub numbers you will find out the majority of people share it.i point it only because we have here same situation that blizzard had.there was lots of players at the begining and somewhere on the road almost half them them left the game.

    about current state of MOP its impossible to cover the problems in single post.sad true is for server that have been out for almost a year (with PTR we had for few months)its in more then pathetic state.but then again it was exactly the same with cata took molten near 2 years to script most of it and till this very day there is sooo many stuff not working there.

  7. about current state of MOP its impossible to cover the problems in single post.sad true is for server that have been out for almost a year (with PTR we had for few months)its in more then pathetic state.but then again it was exactly the same with cata took molten near 2 years to script most of it and till this very day there is sooo many stuff not working there.
    Warmane were also considering opening a Warlords of Draenor server on top of this. Clearly without the intention of fixing bugs or supplying a great quality expansion.

    With respect to this thread, restricting accounts to only transfer to Horde on Sargeras is not the answer. Why? Doing so will cause an overbalance with Horde, and Alliance will have the same issue. Creating accounts after 19th April with rewards can be exploited, that is why it is limited for the rewards given to players. Including a limitation of IP, players will move to another house in the same city, to receive the rewards.

    Simply, there has to be an incentive to transfer, but limitations are certainly an ineffective solution to providing the resolution. The difficulty also lies within the popularity of the following aspects:

    a) Content Availability - effectively, it can be agreed that MoP is rendered a barely 'playable' state compared to the proceeding expansions. There is little incentive based on evidence of dungeons and raids being available, with numerous - hence, countless - features being unavailable.

    b) Popularity - Mists of Pandaria is not its predecessor. Regardless of subjective appraisal, MoP will never match WoTlk or Cataclysm's - although disputed - population since these two expansions were more popular. Even more so, based on the availability of content, it greater emphasises that players would avoid Mists of Pandaria because of its current state.

    As mentioned earlier, Warlords of Draenor was almost released. I can conclude, that if it is released before MoP is significantly improved. This will be the end of two entire realms. Players will become tireless of the countless bugs established upon both realms, and with the development shifting to WoD, it would change the priority at which content is produced.

  8. I don't know why people insist MoP isn't popular. Is it just because it isn't half scripted on here? Because personally it pulled me in much more so than Cataclysm ever did.

    As mentioned earlier, Warlords of Draenor was almost released. I can conclude, that if it is released before MoP is significantly improved. This will be the end of two entire realms. Players will become tireless of the countless bugs established upon both realms, and with the development shifting to WoD, it would change the priority at which content is produced.
    I STRONGLY agree with this. If WoD is to be release with MoP in its current state, most, if not all players will switch to it, since if you give them a choice between two equally bugged and empty expansions with one being the "new thing on the street", you can already see a clear winned.

  9. Some good and realistic posts here. I think that Molten should wait till last major patch of wod.

    And please fix remaining xmog bugs so we can wear some other cloth chest than robes. And offhand too. That bug is reported 9 months ago.

  10. With respect to this thread, restricting accounts to only transfer to Horde on Sargeras is not the answer. Why? Doing so will cause an overbalance with Horde, and Alliance will have the same issue.
    You are extremely wrong here. First of all, the restriction suggested wouldn't be only horde old server to horde new server, it would be any from old server to only horde new server. Meaning you transfer 10 top level 80 chars, you get 10 free level 90 chars on Sargeras, that you start from scratch, and initially only Horde allowed for new chars. Then after it is balanced, alliance new chars can be created.

    Here is the issue, most ppl if they transfer over will avoid Horde because the do not want to be on the small side, so the horde/alliance ratio will get worse. Really if they plan to do that they should allow the rest of the Horde on Sargeras race-change to Alliance so they can be on the strong side too, thus the server dies. Alternative is, Horde just leaves and server dies. So no matter what is done, that ratio is the top priority. Second priority is the overall population.

    So transfers horde only until balanced, or merge with other MoP realm and if ratio still out of whack limit to horde new chars only for awhile, or get rid of Cata, force upgrade it to MoP (like they did to Sargeras causing the issue in the first place) and still lock down new chars to horde until balanced.

    And until something is done, lock out any more new chars on the other MoP realm.

  11. Warmane were also considering opening a Warlords of Draenor server on top of this. Clearly without the intention of fixing bugs or supplying a great quality expansion.
    Sigh .. you guys keep forgetting that the WoD were already under development and was the pet project of AT before the merge and Warmane is actually collaborating with Karabor for that. WoD has a very low priority.

  12. ive got a 3 step plan for u guys which could get u back on the road again.

    1) promote warmane top 100 sites ( said it already on the first post)
    2) change realm rates like they was before the wipe (said it already on the first post)
    3) VP for FB likes like it was before

    Just keep going. Kaer we trust in u

  13. i hope they find the best solution for this current problem.

  14. The only problem i see here on Warmane is that fixing things goes very slow. Also us whining about Cata/WoTLK/MoP needs to be fixed, so they have to shift their focus to please us all. It is hard on them, but i don't get the fact that in early days of Molten fixes were shipped out like crazy, hell it was almost Blizzard down scaled properly. If they come back with more dedication to bug fixing, realms will bloom once again.

  15. I'm worried too about ppl leaving. I hear some saying on Horde side they plan to leave for few months to see if the ally/horde ratio and overall population is fixed before they return. What if too many ppl think that way.
    yeah the population balance is a big problem on sargeras... te 2/3 of the players is in ally... that's rediculous... :(

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