BadgeExchange v2.4.1
To download, visit the link and click the ↓ at the top of the page.

I have shared the macros with as many people as I can; however, those macros can be dangerous because there is no robustness checking. People may spend their precious points on something undesired if they mess up the macro.

I wanted to make an addon, BadgeExchange, that has all this robustness checking built into it.

I originally released the first (text only) version of BadgeExchange on Christmas (2014) as my gift to the community.

So! What does this mean? No more need for macros! No more incessant clicking!
Exchange as few or as many emblems as you want at one time by simply clicking a button!

Emblems of Frost can be converted to Emblems of Triumph at a 1 to 1 ratio.
Emblems of Triumph can be converted to Emblems of Conquest at a 1 to 1 ratio.
Emblems of Conquest can be converted to Emblems of Valor at a 1 to 1 ratio.
Emblems of Valor can be converted to Emblems of Heroism at a 1 to 1 ratio.
Stone Keeper Shards can be converted to Wintergrasp Commendations (for 2000 honor) at a 30 to 1 ratio.

Talk with a respective quartermaster, type an amount, and then click the button!

To download, visit the link and click the ↓ at the top of the page.
  • Fixed the item mismatch error with the new core.

  • Added a settings button on the bottom right corner of the BadgeExchange window.
  • Added a choice of safety measures to help a player be sure he or she wants to exchange Frost Badges:
    • A popup confirmation window asking for confirmation upon clicking the button (default configuration).
    • Disabling all Frost Badge exchanges.
    • Closing the BadgeExchange window upon interaction with a vendor that can exchange Frost Badges, but no extra safety measures.
    • Closing the window while also asking for confirmation.
    • Closing the window while also disabling all Frost Badge exchanges.

  • Fixed a bug where the default configuration for the BadgeExchange window to be open (interface options check button) would not properly save states between sessions.
  • Changed the large exchange incremental value from 255 to 200 for easier readability and ease of calculation.

  • Worked around an in-game limitation where only 255 items/badges would be bought/exchanged if the amount was greater than 255.
    Thanks to Soul for finding this.

  • Moved default configurations to the Interface/Addons/BadgeExchange panel.
  • Removed default configurations slash commands.

  • Added a command for the BadgeExchange window to appear as closed when interacting with an appropriate vendor:
    Feature moved in version 2.3
    /be default close
    /be default closed
  • Added a command for the BadgeExchange window to appear as open when interacting with an appropriate vendor:
    Feature moved in version 2.3
    /be default open
    /be default opened

    Note: By default, the BadgeExchange window will appear as open when interacting with an appropriate vendor.
  • Changed syntax for changing default Amount box numbers to:
    Feature moved in version 2.3
    /be default emblem ##
    /be default wintergrasp ##

  • Load time improved.

  • Fixed the Stone Keeper's Shards to Wintergrasp Commendations button.

  • Added text displaying the names of the badges exchanged above the buttons.
  • Added text displaying the amount of currency that would be exchanged below the buttons.
  • Halfed the height of the Usuri Brightcoin buttons due to new text.
  • Added a close button to collapse the BadgeExchange window into a tiny box that can reopen the original window.
  • Fixed an issue where textures randomly appeared to not show on buttons.
  • Broke the Stone Keeper's Shards to Wintergrasp Commendations button.

  • Added a fully functional GUI (Graphics User Interface) that opens upon interacting with a respective merchant.
  • Removed the exchange slash commands.

  • Fixed foreign client NPC name checking.
  • Full compatibility with foreign clients!

  • Fixed foreign client item (badge) checking.
  • Not fully foreign client compatible.

  • Fixed foreign client class checking.
  • Not fully foreign client compatible.

  • Added "full" feature.
  • Added more effective merchant window checking.
  • Added an item (badge) mismatch alert in case of bugs.
  • Not fully foreign client compatible.

  • Original release
  • Not fully foreign client compatible.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!
i cant download the addon google drive say you must give me permisse to do thath , sad bcse is usefull for me