1. May 7, 2015  
    than why didn't solve it already weeks ago?
    Maybe because it isn't as gamebreaking as other bugs or maybe because they don't know how to. Duh.

  2. May 7, 2015  

    somehow it says i don't have space in my bags.... This only happened on the sha. While there clearly is some space left.
    i Did got loot 2 times : 1x blood spirit , 13x mote of harmony
    Does this mean i can still go another time for gear?

  3. May 8, 2015  
    Your backpack ( main bag ) is full ..
    Server may be only checking your first backpack for space and not the others.

  4. May 8, 2015  
    Your backpack ( main bag ) is full ..
    Server may be only checking your first backpack for space and not the others.
    no. I have my backpack is full all the time and I never had tihs problem before! Also I have bagnon so... basicaly no bags just 1 big

  5. May 8, 2015  
    Guys I wonder if the bags are working well... http://www.wowhead.com/item=95617/di...ontains:0-18+1

    I think you should increes the dropchances! Basicaly every 4th bag should drop a blood spirit and every 3rd should drop mote of harmony! (I don't speak about the gear b'cuz I didn't see anything drop in my char...) I run lfr for days now and I rarely get any of this consumables... I never get any blood spirit and I only got 18 mote of harmony and gold... (Since the "fix") If this isn't a whole realm problem than it's just me but if the sitoation is this way... pls do about something I cannot loot anything... I think noone going to lfr and "wasting" hours to get nothing... This is very emberrassing I want to gear up my chars but this way I cannot and just see others being lucky and loot some good stuff... weps trinkets etc. and I just gold... and gold... and gold... and gold... OH LOOK A MOTE OF HARMONY!!... gold... gold.... gold... Ty.

  6. May 8, 2015  
    Skybro's Avatar
    Guys I wonder if the bags are working well... http://www.wowhead.com/item=95617/di...ontains:0-18+1

    I think you should increes the dropchances! Basicaly every 4th bag should drop a blood spirit and every 3rd should drop mote of harmony! (I don't speak about the gear b'cuz I didn't see anything drop in my char...) I run lfr for days now and I rarely get any of this consumables... I never get any blood spirit and I only got 18 mote of harmony and gold... (Since the "fix") If this isn't a whole realm problem than it's just me but if the sitoation is this way... pls do about something I cannot loot anything... I think noone going to lfr and "wasting" hours to get nothing... This is very emberrassing I want to gear up my chars but this way I cannot and just see others being lucky and loot some good stuff... weps trinkets etc. and I just gold... and gold... and gold... and gold... OH LOOK A MOTE OF HARMONY!!... gold... gold.... gold... Ty.
    The first time you do a LFR boss each week you will get a 15-20% chance to win a class/loot specific item, if you don't get an item you will get a loot bag instead.
    For the rest of the week you will only get loot bags (which will contain no wearable items) from each boss, the drop chances for items in the loot bags are the exact the same as linked on the Wowhead page.

  7. May 8, 2015  
    The first time you do a LFR boss each week you will get a 15-20% chance to win a class/loot specific item, if you don't get an item you will get a loot bag instead.
    For the rest of the week you will only get loot bags (which will contain no wearable items) from each boss, the drop chances for items in the loot bags are the exact the same as linked on the Wowhead page.

    Yes but if you read about it, there is the chance for you to get an item from that loot table, but with the other item drop chances there is almost impossible to not get any items in lfr... but here it's almost impossible to get... you can search on wowpedia or wowhead about the lfr droprates you will get the same info. the drop chances are should be in accordance... that's why Lfr was created. gearing up. not for farming goody bags. when 25 player joins lf and only 1 or 2 gets an item I think that's pretty bad and you guys miscalculated something.

  8. May 8, 2015  
    The first time you do a LFR boss each week you will get a 15-20% chance to win a class/loot specific item, if you don't get an item you will get a loot bag instead.
    For the rest of the week you will only get loot bags (which will contain no wearable items) from each boss, the drop chances for items in the loot bags are the exact the same as linked on the Wowhead page.
    Maybe since our servers are smaller population than retail this is one place we should not be blizlike. Remember blizlike means "how can we slow players down as much as possible so they keep paying us $15/mo". That concept is worthless to private servers. On blizzard you queue for a LFR and you do not have to wait long. If we do not have that same experience here, maybe every time should be chance to win a loot item, not just first time each week. This would keep people queueing. Really in this case the choice to make the experience similar to Blizzard is to choose one: 1.) exact same loot system as blizzard but long queue, give up waiting, no raid. or 2.) Loot every time not just once per week and players experience similar wait times for raid as retail and more raids are run. I'd choose to be more like blizzard queue times. Just a suggestion.

  9. May 8, 2015  
    Maybe since our servers are smaller population than retail this is one place we should not be blizlike. Remember blizlike means "how can we slow players down as much as possible so they keep paying us $15/mo". That concept is worthless to private servers. On blizzard you queue for a LFR and you do not have to wait long. If we do not have that same experience here, maybe every time should be chance to win a loot item, not just first time each week. This would keep people queueing. Really in this case the choice to make the experience similar to Blizzard is to choose one: 1.) exact same loot system as blizzard but long queue, give up waiting, no raid. or 2.) Loot every time not just once per week and players experience similar wait times for raid as retail and more raids are run. I'd choose to be more like blizzard queue times. Just a suggestion.
    You already get the loot bags every time you raid the instance, you should only get them once per week, the rest of the runs you get nothing, not even gold on the bosses (well you do get valor when you are done)

  10. May 9, 2015  
    1.) exact same loot system as blizzard but long queue, give up waiting, no raid. or 2.) Loot every time not just once per week and players experience similar wait times for raid as retail and more raids are run. I'd choose to be more like blizzard queue times. Just a suggestion.
    I agree with breaking off from what blizz implemented, but not as far to make loot have a chance to drop on every kill of one boss. People will then be full geared in less than a week. But maybe make the drop chance per kill a noticeable amount higher?

  11. May 9, 2015  
    I agree with breaking off from what blizz implemented, but not as far to make loot have a chance to drop on every kill of one boss. People will then be full geared in less than a week. But maybe make the drop chance per kill a noticeable amount higher?
    I agree on this!

  12. May 9, 2015  
    The item drop rate in T14 LFR was buffed after it was no longer current content. Don't quote me on this, but it was ~15% originally, then doubled to ~30%. It wasn't uncommon to queue up for the Terrace of Endless Spring on a new alt, bringing in bonus roll coins, and winning 4/8 or more rolls.


    @mumper @ghostcrawler will drops rates for 5.0 lfrs be increased to aid in catchup for alts/new players to 5.2 content?

    @Gorndar Yes.

  13. May 10, 2015  

    somehow it says i don't have space in my bags.... This only happened on the sha. While there clearly is some space left.
    i Did got loot 2 times : 1x blood spirit , 13x mote of harmony
    Does this mean i can still go another time for gear?
    It happened to me too, but i had space in ALL of my bags. Something should be done about this. I need the warrior weapon the boss drops.

  14. May 11, 2015  
    Used this feature about 15-20 times now and thought I would give a little review. So each time I should say I have cleared and except 2 which were due to player error not because of any bug. I was honestly quite pleased so don't take my observations as insults as i was simply keenly observing and like I said have ran quite a few times over the past 3 days.

    Bugs or general weird behavior I encountered.

    1.) I have toes 25 like I said about 20 times in 2-3 days. I received the loot bag every time I killed a boss even after clearing multiple times in a day. I also received loot in different raids in the same day so I dont think the loot or lock out system is working as intended.

    2.) On another issue of loot on the first boss encounter about 25% of the time I would receive loot twice instead of just once after killing all three boss's.

    3.) The 2nd boss or the dragon I had bug a couple times after killing him and re spawn with 100% hp or 1 hp at times and be invincible and wipe the whole raid. After agro was completely lost though he would reset back to normal and it was no longer and issue.

    4.) On the 3rd boss everything worked pretty smoothly other than once when he kept reviving the elemental s every time we killed one. But after we killed about 10 times he seemed to go back to working properly.

    5.) The last boss encounter seemed not to be working completely correctly on the second phase when you are taken to the panda you must kill. I had seen multiple times where he kills all members ported there and yet the raid still survives which isnt what should happen I dont believe but I'm not sure.

    Also when ported to this panda he often is delayed in his attacking up to 2 minutes. During this time he is unattackable and people often sit there wondering if it is bugged.

    6.) Lastly in general i noticed afk's in the que dont seem to be getting kicked properly. I have sat in que waiting for 1 healer to accept for up to like 3 minutes. If it is working it isnt working to effectively.

    Overall had a good time doing all the run's and hope to see more raids opened up soon.

  15. May 11, 2015  
    I confirm that, did ToES 10 this afternoon with my guild, and i got a bag after every boss, and got an LFR loot after killing Tsulong too.

    The last boss "Sha" gave me x40 VP twice.

    LFR lock : http://i.imgur.com/ovkUqpn.jpg
    LFR loot in 10m : http://i.imgur.com/LWF6k7K.jpg

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