1. May 18, 2015  

    MOP: Alter Time Macro

    Hello guys I just started playing as a mage in MOP and I am having a little trouble using alter time. Thing is when ever I want to use alter time, I accidentally press it twice and thus cancel its effect. I am hoping if there is a macro that would disable alter time ability for a certain period like 3 or 4 seconds and then when I press it again it works normally. I know if i practice i can over come this but just for now if there is a macro it will be really helpful.

  2. May 18, 2015  
    Spoiler: Show
    #showtooltip alter time
    /castsequence reset=0.5 alter time, flamestrike
    /use 1

    this is the one i use and it works great

  3. May 27, 2015  
    Learn to click it one time. Making a macro that would prevent using AT for 3-4 second is big minus for you, since its one of the best defensive / positioning spells we have.

    Like there is a Warrior on your butt, you Alter his whole burst but you are about to die, so you must click AT to get back to previous health state, if you won't then you'll die. Thats why you shouldn't make that macro.

    Also after Alter position gets fixed you can do really good plays, Alter Timing your current position, then moving somewhere away kiting the enemies, Alter back and gg.

    The only macro I can give you is:

    #showtooltip Alter Time
    /cast Alter Time
    /cast Presence of Mind
    It automatically use PoM then Alter Time (one click only). Not sure if you but but if you PoM before Alter then you will still have second PoM after you Alter back to previous state.

    Hope it helps

  4. Hello guys I just started playing as a mage in MOP and I am having a little trouble using alter time. Thing is when ever I want to use alter time, I accidentally press it twice and thus cancel its effect. I am hoping if there is a macro that would disable alter time ability for a certain period like 3 or 4 seconds and then when I press it again it works normally. I know if i practice i can over come this but just for now if there is a macro it will be really helpful.

    Its pretty easy to solve without macro by simply binding at to shift+sthg-, if u have to press 2 keys its harder to mash 1 repeatedly :P

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