1. May 22, 2015  

    Low level Raids

    This has probably been mentioned before, but since discussions are ongoing about server rates during the Sumner, I thought to offer a fresh perspective on the topic.

    There are currently no raids available - absolutely none - for players below level 90. This means that as you level your character there is currently no major PvE content to anticipate, zero chance at being awed by the mindblowing and ( in my opinion ) vastly superior content that was introduced before the storyboard disaster that was MoP and ( secondary but still relevant) a nil chance of making the claim that your character is a twink, without donating for gear.

    Now, I am a big fan of rate reductions. I would love to group and play with pre-level 90 players to enjoy old content probably more than I appreciate the currently available end game content. Giving these players something to look forward to, a reason not to apathetically grind their way to max level, will most certainly incence players to create new toons or attract new patrons ( who must start at level 1 ) to our server.

    And the thing is, we only need one! Just 1 available raid at level 60, 1 at 70, 1 at 80 and 1 at 85 would be enough, at least for now, to vastly improve the leveling experience. In fact, even max level players will be impacted by this option, as they will have another place to explore, farm or simply gawk at the majesty of Hellfire Ramparts, The Black Temple or Icecrown Citadel.

    It's just a wish. I'll probably play on the lower rates regardless. I still hope, however, that you consider this old fool's grand, selfish dreams.
    Edited: May 22, 2015

  2. May 22, 2015  
    -They are trying to port some raids from prev expansions.
    -They won't release "boss dummies" cuz it's not blizzlike.
    -They won't update point marketplace (for transmogs/fun items from older raids) cuz Ediface is busy.
    -They have higher priority issues to worry about.

    You want more of those?

  3. June 4, 2015  
    The only official news is this

    I just hope they start working on it as soon as possible.

  4. June 4, 2015  
    the good excuse list of warmane:
    - It's not gamebreaking
    - We focus on endgame!
    - We fixing the things in main priority!
    - The players want this / that get fixed first
    - etc

    And you go to the bugtracker site and see that the low lvl raids are in high priority by the votes of the comunity! And a staffmember says something else for excuse on why they don't fix it! :D

  5. June 4, 2015  
    Almost everyone wants the lower level raids added, and most would like some to be added sooner than later. The problem is the extremely low 7x xp rates and no toggle pvp flag, just force lowbies to run around in the open world with terrible gear to be participants in a big game of "whack-a-mole" with the max level wimps who cannot make it in level 90 versus level 90 battles.

    The good news is there is a tiny number of dungeons available and they are listed in other threads in the forum depending on which expansion you are running. The bad news is, no-one can get work on low level dungeons prioritized because even though they are bugs, the bug tracker moderators say they are not and dismiss any attempt at putting them in the bug tracker for population vote. Staff is afraid that they may have to work on them, but from all indications it seems they do not care what people want and will never work on them. When I say never, I guess I mean even when every bug on every realm is fixed, they'll just start moving devs over to working on WoD and these low level dungeons will still not get any fix. Tell me that I'm wrong.

  6. June 4, 2015  
    Because implementing old raids isn't easy as what you think. Even when they release current tier raids, there are always unwanted effects that come with it.
    What more from past raids that might be incompatible with what the current expansion's core is using right now.

    If grinding for level would be a problem, sure, if we are talking about the suggested 1x realm going back. Other than that, it's not really a valid reason.

    PS . . . wrong section to post thread.

  7. June 5, 2015  
    Can someone from the staff like Ed, Yami or Green_Dev please xplain to me why all low level raids were WORKING on the PTR and not here. That's all I need to know and not a vague answer please.

  8. June 8, 2015  
    Can someone from the staff like Ed, Yami or Green_Dev please xplain to me why all low level raids were WORKING on the PTR and not here. That's all I need to know and not a vague answer please.
    Working and active are two different things. Don't confuse them.

    One can reasonably assume that the reason why these raids are have not been ported to MoP is because they are not actually working. They are active so that the devs can work on them, fine tune any errors they find on a trial basis, and then get the script ready for porting.

    If, however, you're not making some silly mistake, this is good news! It means that, despite community misgivings, Warmane staff IS working on the raids, and are, even now, preparing them for implementation in our expansions.

    I tremble with anticipation.

  9. June 8, 2015  
    Those dungeons/raids caused realm instability, even on the PTR, and got closed due to that.

    The scripts were actually pretty good, so if nothing else, some of the work is done I guess?

    Obviously only a dev could confirm, but doubt they'll visit this post. Would be nice if they did *wink wink nudge nudge*

  10. June 8, 2015  
    TOC was causing the realm to crash resulting in countless crashes on the PTR.

    ICC wouldn't let you get past Blood Queen. RS Halion didnt spawn.

    Naxx worked fine, TK worked fine, Guurl's Lair worked fine, Magtheridon worked fine, Karazhan was open but we never did that. Onyxia worked fine. Uldura seemed fine but we only did to General cos the door didnt open then when it did we got bored.

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