1. Cata Or Mop ?

    Witch server is more populated ?

  2. Check the sidebar where the servers are listed on the home page.

  3. most populated server is Frostwolf (MOP)
    If you love complete experience , end game content, pick Cata
    if you prefer content progression , and can endure a few bugs , choose MOP

    I personally love frostwolf, this is the only realm here that upgrade from WLK and Cata.

  4. most populated server is Frostwolf (MOP)
    If you love complete experience , end game content, pick Cata
    if you prefer content progression , and can endure a few bugs , choose MOP

    I personally love frostwolf, this is the only realm here that upgrade from WLK and Cata.
    What class are you on MoP?

    to the OP. Cata is pretty screwed imo as a new player perspective after Moltdown. Everyone running in BiS gear.
    As well as.. MoP. MoP pvp is pretty ****ed up, it's been always like that. Roll a warrior ,rogue , hunter and you shouldnt have a problem. PvE is kinda crappy too. Raids are cool imo. But Heroic dungeons are just lame. Fight panda bosses and locusts.. in every dungeon.

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