1. Spriests in pvp

    How are shadow priests currently in 2s arenas and bgs in MOP also how would spriest with affliction lock do in 2s arenas. Could I get a guess on possible ranking if both players are good

  2. Spriest are pretty good once they burst, however they suffer kind of what Ret Paladins do after they burst, which is sustain damage.

    Spriest + Affliction Warlocks might get you up to around 2k rating. However, like all other double dps comps, you will most likely lose if you cannot kill a healer + dps team within the first 2-3 minutes.

    If you want to go for higher rating, then I believe Spriest + Resto Druids also works pretty well, yet I'll leave it to more of the experienced priest players as I have not played much of spriests.

  3. Shadow priest in BGs dominate, if you are geared enough to out dps hunters, warrs, wlocks. But overall they are beast.

    2s with any good Affliction, Frost DK, Rogue is amazing, not much stress and games are smooth. But if you found a good Resto Druid or Resto Shaman, you will own.

  4. Spriests are suspiciously strong at the moment.

    Yes... "suspiciously", in that they were not this strong on retail but are insanely strong here.

  5. i remember like 2 months ago , when there were like 10 spriests in the server. Now everyone plays one. Go back to ur warriors/hunters..

  6. But anyways. Thank you all for the replies. I have been wanting to pull my old priest off the shelf but didn't know how they do on this private server. All I had knew was that they were very bugged. But even with some bugs iit woulda been fine. But bugs galore is a diff story

  7. Spriests are suspiciously strong at the moment.

    Yes... "suspiciously", in that they were not this strong on retail but are insanely strong here.
    We always stand good, just some patch other classes shine more, while other get behind. Shadow priest is even more fun and more powerful if here working as should be. This right now is like 70% of what Shadow priest is.

  8. We always stand good, just some patch other classes shine more, while other get behind. Shadow priest is even more fun and more powerful if here working as should be. This right now is like 70% of what Shadow priest is.
    70% - Not rly. Haste is positively bugged, Mind Spike glyph as well .....and the negative ones are Halo, Spectral Guise and probably Sin and Punishment DR (not sure yet), which are not so urgent and gamebreaking. Spriests will go down dmgwise after haste is fixed, but i guess it will be a little (only VT and SW:P affected).....warlocks on the other hand will loose a lot :)
    Edited: August 6, 2015

  9. We always stand good, just some patch other classes shine more, while other get behind. Shadow priest is even more fun and more powerful if here working as should be. This right now is like 70% of what Shadow priest is.
    Some shadow priests abilities are bugge sure, but this is not WotLK. In 5.4, shadow priests struggled, and that just isn't the case here as it ought to be.

    I realize now that this is all linked to the haste bug. Haste is giving SW:P more ticks, which in return causes more crits, and causes more shadowy apparitions. It seems the class mechanics are ideal for the haste bug causing us to see the damage we do. The bug will be fixed soon, and we should get a bit more realistic damage from them after that.

    In fact, thinking about it, with buff stacking, the haste bug is likely why so many caster specs are fairing so well. Not only does haste scale twice as hard, they have twice as much haste to start with @_@

  10. Some shadow priests abilities are bugge sure, but this is not WotLK. In 5.4, shadow priests struggled, and that just isn't the case here as it ought to be.

    I realize now that this is all linked to the haste bug. Haste is giving SW:P more ticks, which in return causes more crits, and causes more shadowy apparitions. It seems the class mechanics are ideal for the haste bug causing us to see the damage we do. The bug will be fixed soon, and we should get a bit more realistic damage from them after that.

    In fact, thinking about it, with buff stacking, the haste bug is likely why so many caster specs are fairing so well. Not only does haste scale twice as hard, they have twice as much haste to start with @_@
    Actually haste auras are no longer stackable.... and sw:P has bigger duration with proper tickspeed, but u wont see dmg loss(after fixes) with instant cast refresh.

  11. Actually haste auras are no longer stackable.... and sw:P has bigger duration with proper tickspeed, but u wont see dmg loss(after fixes) with instant cast refresh.
    From my understanding of the bug report, haste was increasing tick speed as well as duration, which of course is pretty op.

    I dunno what fixes have happened, last I played, buff stacking was only partially fixed (on Monday that is). Maybe haste isn't stacking anymore, so I'll drop in and check it out soon :P

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