1. Class fixes thus far?

    While quest and raid progress seems flow at a steady pace, where are we with class fixes?
    I recall Yemi listing it as a top 3 priority but how far have you actually gotten? What has been verified and confirmed to work in the image retail and what remains? Also which are the most omprehensive issues that have occured as far as class fixing goes?

    PS: If one would mash all fixes made so far and what is to remain to be fixed a value, a percentage (%) perhaps. Approximately where do we lie in terms of percentage fixed out of the total (e.g 45% of 100%)?
    Edited: August 16, 2015

  2. In PvE,Combat Rogues were totally screwed on old Lordaeron,hope this changes

  3. And that KS bug when you pop up and fell through the floor :). I hope I will see more rogues especially in pve. They didnt have much love back then

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