1. I loved the tower defense we had 2 years a go A LOT. 40 people flaming each other, realy embraced the Xmas spirit. felt just like a family gathering.
    jokes aside, the events and the rewards were also decent!

  2. The event a few years back where we had to kill a raid style boss and complete quest for chance at mount/etc out of the quest cache was a neat one. Not as problematic as boss dropping mount (ninjas) which weve had in other years; and no point in a single group farming it over and over night and day like weve had before for EOF farm events. If everyone gets 1 chance per character to complete the quest and get the top tier rewards its a good holiday event!

    Inside cache / reward for completing raid quest -
    10+ EOF
    Chance @ mid tier rare mounts - amani war bear / anzu / love rocket / traveler mamoth / white hawkstrider / zebra ?
    Chance @ random cosmetic and novelty items.

  3. Greetings Warmane,

    As the name of the thread itself suggests, we would like to hear about your ideas for events and possible suggestions on our already existing events. Please write constructive ideas and feel free to include criticism. All ideas and suggestions should go in this thread and everyone can comment on each other's ideas as long as the feedback is constructive and well within our forum rules.

    Try to include:
    • Name of the event
    • Brief description of it
    • Reward suggestions
    • Any comments you might have


    Spoiler: Show
    Azshara Crater - like event with t3 and Mounts!

  4. Onyxia server :
    Rated BG
    1v1 Tournament

  5. Event Proposal: Rain of Carnage

    Get ready for chaos and carnage with our new event, Rain of Carnage! This thrilling survival challenge puts 5 Runners against 15 Hunters in an all-out battle of wits and reflexes. The Runners, equipped with a constant speed boost, must dodge relentless attacks while Hunters rain down destruction using event-specific tools like mortars, explosives, and traps. The event will take place in iconic locations such as Wintergrasp Fortress (WotLK) and Heart of Fear (MoP), adding a visually stunning backdrop to the mayhem.

    Rewards are designed to keep things fair and fun: everyone who participates will earn 1 Event Token, while surviving Runners will be rewarded with 10 Event Tokens for their skill and determination. If the Hunters succeed in eliminating all the Runners, they’ll each receive 3 Event Tokens, plus an additional 5 Tokens for every kill. These tokens can be spent in the Event Store on exclusive items like mounts, toys, and cosmetics.

    With no gear or PvP experience advantage, "Rain of Carnage" is a true test of skill and strategy. Whether you’re running for your life or unleashing destruction, this is an event you won’t want to miss!

    Idea is a work in progress.

  6. Warlocks can't use healthstone or summon a pet before it starts. This needs to changed since it's a basic class ability while paladins and other classes can use iceblock, divine shield, hand of protection etc.

  7. I'd like the BR game mode but solo no team, it is a pain getting put with 2 bots when you're trying to get 10 wins hell like 3 of my wins I did solo. I can't control when I drop my team jumps in the middle of groups we die then it's back to waiting in q then joining another game waiting 2 mins to drop to do it all over again. It's a waste of 3-5 mins just to have to req after playing for 40 sec. If you made it solo and removed the cast time on pots but gave them a 15 or 25 sec cd I think that game mode would be 100 times better.

  8. Hello, big fan of the BR event here - just got my 10 wins mount.
    2 suggestions:
    1. Can you stagger the BC and Wotlk BR times so one is down when the other is up, and we don't have to wait 2 hours?
    2. Can you please keep this game mode activated year round? It was great last year as well. If player count will be a challenge perhaps reduce the number of people needed for a match. And make the storm go faster and/or cover more ground to accommodate.

  9. Hi there,

    my imput for BR after winning 15+ games:
    1. 10 wins for 1 mount is quite difficult for average player, it would be nice to get either both mounts for that quest or at least make it repeatable, so good pvp players can get both (at least you will get more active players)
    2. can you do something about the water walking? tons of games are just mage going into Africa and then using ice block in the water at the end or just DKs and shamans and priests hiding there aswell - my suggestion is to make the storm few meters in the water permanent
    3. can you make the green zone more visible - preferably more vertical? sometimes u cant see where it is cuz its behind a wall / texture
    4. the storm dmg initially is very high - would be nice for it to tick after a few seconds or more gradual dmg (stacks)
    5. maybe change the minor healing to heal a bit more so ppl can outheal the storm a bit better/longer? so random hidden people have to be active during the game and farm some pots and not just hide in some cave and win by ppl not being able to reach them

    It would be nice to have this kind of event with longer duration, not just during the holidays.. maybe with changing rewards every month or smtg.

    Otherwise, great fun! :)
    Thanks a lot
    Edited: December 31, 2024

  10. Really great fkin idea to remove afk reporting system for events so now people will afking with multiple accounts to get free flasks and bags in event.
    Rly brainstorming idea.

  11. Can i suggest for Battle royale to be reduced number of players in order NA players to be able to join this event -- currently waiting for 1hr and half to join Battle event in onyxia we cannot gather enough people for 1 Event

  12. You know what it would be nice ?if you create an event like ... les say: a tower defense PvE with 40 raids member to survive each wave getting stronger... It would be very nice if you add an AFK timer, so the 40 people are active in the event that by the way each raid member in the event increases life to the mobs that we have to kill, just a suggestion, so the event is actually playable

  13. 2 Weeks Ago  
    So dunno if any1 yet suggested it , ik it doable bit work there is but i think this event could be something trully amazing.
    Guild Wars with some exceptionally high stakes a guild vs guild with tournament road.
    As loose penalty i would love to see exp/lvls down it could be moment person dies and let's say down to 70 lvl even with multiple dies oldschool way dead=exp down .
    Imagine being able to crush guild u don;t like/have beef with .
    As rewards well being top or as said above it enough ^^.
    Signing for war also comes woth risk as it would be nice that participants are unlimited for both guild that clash which come to gm/officers and how they manage guild !
    on the other way simple u don;t feel strong enough don;t sign.
    What u think guys?

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