This is one of those "Blame blizzard" things, it crashed the clients so it had to be hidden for others. Unfortunately this was noticed late in the event when lots of people had it.
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This is one of those "Blame blizzard" things, it crashed the clients so it had to be hidden for others. Unfortunately this was noticed late in the event when lots of people had it.
I agree .. I used to look forward to this as well.
Everyone should take a step back and enjoy the holiday spirit with you'r loved ones. After all it's still a game and will not change your life. So be thankfull to warmane for haveing such a great server and letting us be part of them. Have a great Christmas everyone. Merry Christmas!
Hello everyone. The only one reason we don't have event's this year is because Blizzard are going to re lunch this summer Wrath of the lich king classic. They have the rights to close the private servers. My point is warmane give up on the server. Come online let's enjoy last a few months of warmane together.
I cant agree with you on this ... Why? Simply because some of us enjoy this game the most, and for some of us this game is escape from reality that is known as really painful sometimes .... So I like to spend my xmas holidays since 2017 on Warmane, it make nice memory that I can talk and share with people in guild as random players ....
You are really stupid if you bealive that. Lol.
Blizzard didn't close **** when they started TBC classic , why would they do for Wotlk ?
I mean the previous events was bad, i dont wanna be the person who is gonna complain and be an a**hole but i wanted to give my opinion there were many bugs that i dont rly care cuz i know you guys must be working hard to give us the chance to experience that events but i just didnt like the idea.
We complained a bit and wanted the events from 2019 which was fun, i rly dont rememer the name but the event was that one with random bosses in Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor/Outland which rewards was eof and i remember you said you dont like to give us toomuch free eof's, so do the same but change the rewards or lower the % of eof drop i rly dont care just the event brings me chills with 40man raids and fun pvp all day long.
Please consider that idea or something similar atleast.
I truly dont think you will pick the most wanted event tho i just think you are doing the topic and then you do whatever you worked on or you wanted just like the past year, but still giving you an opinion.
Greetings Warmane,
Please bring back the raid boss hunting with the emblem of frost rewards for each kill and the extremely rare collector pet!
REALLY ?! we join the Zombie event at 13/120 and we get teleported into Dalaran and we didn't get a spot.
Why don't GMs use more secret locations for events? There's so many areas in WoW that most players have never seen before.