1. I've got an idea for a pvp event that's fair for all "Gearscores"

    <Death match issue> Too many people high gs an over powered classes win it, So everyone else doesn't stand a chance. Or to make that event fair, allow all attendance of the event, Get something for participation. It'd definitely make people who know they can't win, Very happy. Their's so many things invovled with winning and losing in that event so I think that'll kinda of even things out for that event.

    My event would be named "All for one" It'd be a ladder match, It can be a duel or fight to the death. But whoever wins that match, Fights the neext in line, And so on and so forth. However, It should be segregated by ilvl/g.s. So lets say someone has 4k gs. They'd fight someone between 4-4.9 GS. Same with 5k and 6k GS. Make 4k or 5k the minimal GS to join the event. You can have the people in different GS brackets fighting at the same time in order to lower the time it'll take for the event to end.


  2. Criter hunt! Admin decides one criter evry day drops 1 epic item from all items possible randomly dropped to person killing criter gets the item mailed by gm.. like when someone during cycle of 1 day finds and kills criter GM decided to be lootgiver gets some epic item... as in from store or randomly... but every day 1 rare criter spawns and winner to be announced on system msg so people know that todays hunt is over... like 1 item 1 day... or maybe spawn every day and record how much unkilled loot giving criters are alive by texting .epiccriter in chat. like you can keep farming criters or someone might just randomly get epic items like this... this would be interesting part of randomly rewarding players ... would prefer all epic items for killers class to be achieved like that... even max items lvls... might add maybe that you add information of spawns every day.. what item lvl will it give and how much spawns are there... maybe more then one i guess... finder gets to decide item or GM checks his items and gives best item possible for his or hers lowest item lvl item to be swaped for best possibly wearable. <3 Event.. Criter hunt

  3. I want to make another proposal for an event that would encourage exploring.

    Suggested name: "Resource war"

    Carefully picked places on each continent where GM spawn end-game profession materials such as lichbloom, adders tongue, titanium and saronite veins, mobs with increased borean/icy scales/arctic skinning drop rates.

    These places should be hard to reach, think islands south of Tanaris, wintersprint. Or Shadowmoon valley/Netherstorm which are commonly excluded from visits during leveling on Icecrown. The area should be quite large to accomondate for a high visitor count, possibly hundreds of players.

    Event should be pre-announced on server. Held with regular intervals such once a week or once a month. Last for 6-12 hours to not disrupt the normal leveling experience of the zones its held. Reason for the event is to give players an oppertunistic chance to earn gold. Promote organic world PvP for availability to these resources. To decrase impact upon server economy custom made quests to hand in higher amount of these resources (plus a gold fee to further prolong time between gold halvings) in exchange for EoTs could be made. Alternativly custom quests to exchange these materials for vanity items.

    Possible downsides: High GM workload, GMs have to manually place these nodes or mob spawns and temporarily disable current mob spawns. Then restore it afterwards.

    Economic influence: One has to take into regard the economic implications of such event, the value of materials will deflate due to an influx, since crafts are so interconnected it could have unforseeable consequences on pricing in such a way that normal continuity of economy is disrupted temporarily.

    Faction domination: If factions are too uneven it could end up with one faction controlling all resources which defeats the purpose. a possible solution is to place the material zones in closer proximity to the underdog faction for easier and quicker availability.

    Possible upsides: Encourages active player participation. Too many people are stuck in the raid, pvp grind without interacting with the world. This would give them an incentive to be more active.

    Renewed purpose to professions, professions are only a means to top off gold and give players a little extra edge, in end game no more interaction exists with the professions beside this. This event would send players into different parts of the world depending on the professions they have, give them different rewards depending on their professions. It broadens the purpose of professions in general.

    Player cooperation and interaction. To achieve zone dominance it forces players to interact and cooperate, doing so strengthens reason and purpose to play. Many new players have hard to integrate socially because of how specific and unattainable end game gameplay is. This event would put everone on equal grounds, and force communication to achieve results.

    Reward suggestion: The event itself yields the reward naturally through materials. Furthermore custom quests to hand in materials + gold for vanity items could be added.
    Edited: September 24, 2023 Reason: Edit: To follow format first post suggests.

  4. PvE event "Mechanical feet"

    A group of 25 or 40 gets teleported in an empty large room (something similar to ToC) and will experience many random boss mechanics within the game with some overlapping within each other making it harder to make correct decisions.

    Example: A challenge begins and every once in a while random player gets a parasite (similar to the one in SSC) which jumps to other person and so on which will cause trouble if not dealt properly, on top of that it starts falling ice from the sky (the Hodir mechanic) and then big snow pile on which you need to jump to not get Flash Freeze, and also adding more and more random mechanics to the fight until it becomes unbearable and the longer the group survives the better the rewards.

    Cosmetic items, unobtainable companions, maybe a no longer obtainable mount like "Plagued Proto-Drake"

  5. PvP arena 4v4 event.
    A suggestion for an event. A 4v4 arena event where you can q with your 2v2 team mate and randomly team up with 2 others.

    Could be fun and would change up the meta a bit potentially. With some of the stronger aoe classes being stronger. Like fire mages or boomkins.

  6. can you make smthing like maze with alot of ways each way lead you to a boss and this maze must be like icc 12 boss and each way lead you to a diff boss each boss got diff loot and ofc hard adds because players fear adds more than bosses

  7. How about a day of allowing the factions to talk to eachother. I've seen it on other servers as a permanent thing - but just one day would be fun.

    And I'll say it again, the bounty system would be super - why not try it out over the holidays and decide if it would liven up the server?

  8. 100% we need the pvp event like last year the league of legends like one? If just you can improve auto join to team once someone leave but its perfect
    -pve defense was perfect too-just improve joining system once ppl leave
    good luck good work

  9. What about Snowmans :D we didnt have that event for a long time, or some event similar :D

  10. Event Name: "Legendary Raid Race"

    Brief Description: Organize a competitive event where guilds or groups within the community can participate in a race to complete a challenging raid in the WOTLK game. The goal is to promote teamwork, strategy, and skillful gameplay. The raid could be a classic or customized one, adding a unique twist to keep it fresh for experienced players.

    Reward Suggestions: Exclusive in-game titles for the winning guild, special mounts or cosmetic items, and recognition on the community platform. Additionally, consider offering bonus experience points or in-game currency to all participants to acknowledge their efforts.

    Comments: This event encourages collaboration and friendly competition within the community. To enhance engagement, consider live streaming or recording the raid race and showcasing highlights on community channels. Ensure that the raid is balanced to provide a challenge without being overly frustrating.

    Event Name: "Transmog Fashion Show"

    Brief Description: Host a fashion show-style event where players can showcase their creativity in assembling unique transmogrification sets for their characters. Participants can walk the virtual runway, and the community can vote on their favorite looks based on creativity, theme adherence, and overall aesthetic appeal.

    Reward Suggestions: In-game transmog items, exclusive cosmetic items, or even the opportunity to have their winning transmog set added to the game as a limited-time item. Consider offering community-voted titles for winners, such as "Fashionista of WOTLK."

    Comments: This event adds a fun and creative element to the community, allowing players to express their unique style. Ensure that the judging criteria are clear and fair, and consider having themed categories for different rounds to keep the event dynamic.

    Event Name: "Historical Lore Trivia Night"

    Brief Description: Host a trivia night focused on the rich lore of WOTLK. Create challenging questions related to the game's history, characters, and events. Players can form teams or participate individually, answering questions in a quiz format. This event aims to celebrate the lore and provide an opportunity for players to deepen their knowledge.

    Reward Suggestions: In-game lore-related items, exclusive titles like "Lore Master," or even a lore-themed mount. Additionally, consider offering lore-related storytelling opportunities on the community platform for winners.

    Comments: This event not only tests players' knowledge but also educates and celebrates the lore of WOTLK. To ensure inclusivity, include questions of varying difficulty levels and consider having a mix of lore from expansions and the original game. Encourage a positive learning environment.

    Constructive feedback and additional ideas are welcome!

  11. Onyxia 1v1 duel tournament with ret**ed CDs and consumables banned. TY!

  12. put something on towers some ppl will hide there

  13. I suggest creating a Juggernaut event.

    Make one player enlarged + massive health/mana pool, low cooldowns on abilities, run speed increase, and cc immune.
    Then have 40+ players try to kill them.

  14. Bad year bad event bad..

    Hello, idont know really what happened to warmane!!
    Playing from molten wow a few years ago I gove to my neighbor guy to activate and play with that and I stop playing!!!!!Now isee he changed all of mails ... And warmane don't any helping to me even with all of my full info sadly people can easily ninjas and warmane don't care they don't answer mail.tickets ....am very sad I had playing hard and pay money for premium...etc.iduno where call to help... Honestly if do not find a way If I am not helped, I will have to complain much higher

  15. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Would be awesome if you guys could create a game area where we could queue to play stuff like a MOBA.
    Or an arena with objectives to be done by conquering the area/tower forcing people to stay in small teams to conquerer different areas. Kinda like AB works but in a different map.

    The idea is to queue and play in small teams (3/5 players) but in a 20vs20 BG.

    A game kinda like "smite" would be awesome.

    Thank you, stay safe brothers.

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