1. i kill everyone and everything
    + from me.


  2. Why kill lowbies when you can kill their quest givers or bankers or auctioneers?
    Oh I hate you and your posse so much and there's nothing I can do about it :'D

  3. So I'll ask again, why do you PK lowbies with your max level characters?
    When i gank,i gank with my twink 79,sadly bracket died so i needed to kill something xD,for me it's fun x: i really enjoy "ganking" as a twink in northrend,all horde must die ;D.
    So to answer your question,i don't know man i mostly do it when i am bored :/ but when i do it no horde survives in borean/sholazar(these maps i travel the most).

  4. Why kill lowbies when you can kill their quest givers or bankers or auctioneers?
    +1 specially when they log on ally toons to insult me or to complain why i killed their npcs LOLL,it feels so good ^_^

  5. Because my swords need newbie blood to function properly.

  6. its called 'survival of the fittest' :D

  7. World kills give alot more honor than a kill in a BG, so it might be unfair if you are some level 76 horde grinding scholozar and get rekt by me, but then just respawn 3x let me kill you 3x for the honor and ill be on my way again.

    Going to Stranglethorn vale as a full decked level 80 is a penis-size problem.

  8. World kills give alot more honor than a kill in a BG, so it might be unfair if you are some level 76 horde grinding scholozar and get rekt by me, but then just respawn 3x let me kill you 3x for the honor and ill be on my way again.

    Going to Stranglethorn vale as a full decked level 80 is a penis-size problem.
    Well i am not 76 so its not unfair for me.
    About str well,don't know that is the place i farm stranglekeep(herb from fishing) or how is called,and i kill everything high level or low level i don't care... i kill the npcs horde if i am close to them.

    And... how do you know that a 80 has a penis-size problem? Because he kills low levels? Sorry to be rude but you check people ***** to see if is long or short?
    Some people pvp
    Others pve
    Others do gank
    Others troll in dalaran in trade chat and stuffs.

    Its legal.... ganking or world pvp being a **** because you do it well.... most people cry about paladins,dks or rogues with their epic stuns,in pve same sh!t some will always complain about something.
    I am glad when a horde stops me on the road to attack me,coz i get free honor after killing him. Specially on my 80 much action when farming ores.

  9. Hmm, I kill them because i'm alliance and they're horde, what a weird concept

  10. Seriously though. If we didn't allow max level chars to kill level 1 chars, then what would people with really really really tiny peens do? Has anyone ever considered what would happen to them? If they cannot overcompensate by doing insta-kills against other players they may not be able to dilusion themselves enough to prevent suicide in real life. Have some compassion for the itsy bitsy tiny peen people for gosh sakes.

  11. Seriously though. If we didn't allow max level chars to kill level 1 chars, then what would people with really really really tiny peens do? Has anyone ever considered what would happen to them? If they cannot overcompensate by doing insta-kills against other players they may not be able to dilusion themselves enough to prevent suicide in real life. Have some compassion for the itsy bitsy tiny peen people for gosh sakes.
    How do you know about tiny peen? When you check them? Sorry to be so rude but people like you act to smartass here.

    So you tell me when i go tanaris exploring or making an arena charter,and if i kill low levels or any lvl even my range lvl,this means i am a "tiny peens" like you mentioned above? But if i leave them alone to lvl or i don't kill them,means i am good/cool guy?

    DUDE AR U stuped?

    Tell me more about your sentence: If they cannot overcompensate by doing insta-kills against other players they may not be able to dilusion themselves enough to prevent suicide in real life.

    Really? So far people like you go? You must be to dumb to think that someone cares about that,what does have to do killing low levelers as 80 with real life issues,please explain me.Because i do not understand.

  12. Seriously though. If we didn't allow max level chars to kill level 1 chars, then what would people with really really really tiny peens do? Has anyone ever considered what would happen to them? If they cannot overcompensate by doing insta-kills against other players they may not be able to dilusion themselves enough to prevent suicide in real life. Have some compassion for the itsy bitsy tiny peen people for gosh sakes.
    I love how idiƓtic this comment is. Using the size of the "peen" as the basis for an insult. /clap

    This is World of WARcraft, it's part of the game. Swallow it up and deal with it.
    Edited: February 27, 2016

  13. Seriously though. If we didn't allow max level chars to kill level 1 chars, then what would people with really really really tiny peens do? Has anyone ever considered what would happen to them? If they cannot overcompensate by doing insta-kills against other players they may not be able to dilusion themselves enough to prevent suicide in real life. Have some compassion for the itsy bitsy tiny peen people for gosh sakes.
    qq like this is 1 of the biggest reasons i enjoy killing lowbies. keep it coming.

  14. qq like this is 1 of the biggest reasons i enjoy killing lowbies. keep it coming.
    I swear you and Stellarcrusade hate each other :P

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