1. After being camped outside of Darkshire for 15+ minutes by a ?? Druid I decided to fire up my Horde alt and have a little chat. (Why not?) His response was "man up and rez you p*ssy."

    Me man up? Says the guy one-shotting lowbies because he probably sucks against anyone near his level. I actually logged onto another character for about 10 minutes or so and sold some things in Stormwind. When I came back he was STILL hovering over my body. At that point I just had to laugh.

  2. So after I load my character up on deathwing and working on quests in Thrallmar (Yes I know the hub for high levels to gank low levels) I was killed by 2 level 80s who had around 20-22k hp (my 80 blood dk could kill them but that is beside the point). Shortly after in Thrallmar a level 71 Warlock attacked my Level 61 Warlock. I manage to fear them, while my Felguard and the guards around Thrallmar killed them (my Felguard got the killing blow). I go into the inn to level my tailoring (something I really needed) and the warlock attacked me again. And I managed to kill them with ease.

    So moral of the story, don't go ganking in Thrallmar/Honor Hold if you can't handle a level 61 killing you over and over.

  3. One reason I'd gank a lowbie is in the hopes they go the the forums in a tantrum to make a QQ post like this.

  4. One reason I'd gank a lowbie is in the hopes they go the the forums in a tantrum to make a QQ post like this.
    Yep, this right here. Seen it happen more than once, always amusing.

  5. I kill them because i am an Alliance player and they are Horde players,what a weird concept lol wtf :D

  6. That moment when you get killed by a lvl 80 clicker paladin.

    Edited: March 12, 2016

  7. Haha you're a nightmare for levelrs xd,i can agree with this all horde must die! Lol people are gonna cry now even more.

  8. lmao you had to block your name your such a wimp.

  9. Kattiex can you please post how much honer you have? n like your kills? i'm actually curious.

  10. Time to up somethin old. for the haters.

    here's his ign
    how did you get into rora with default key binds plis teach
    Edited: March 13, 2016

  11. here's his ign
    how did you get into rora with default key binds plis teach
    But that resolution!

  12. here's his ign
    how did you get into rora with default key binds plis teach
    Same way anyone else does, just like a lot of people in this thread. Thinkin' they da ****, when they ain't.

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