1. Wotlk 3.3.5a

    Hey! I have a question.As i saw lordaeron will run on wotlk 3.3.5a patch.Is that same patch than was the old lordaeron realm?Or do i need do less patches?
    Edited: September 25, 2015

  2. All our wotlk realms have always been 3.3.5.

  3. All our wotlk realms have always been 3.3.5.
    Yes i know but what that ''a'' word mean after 3.3.5? :D
    And what is the difference between old wotlk expansion and new in dowload section?

  4. Yes i know but what that ''a'' word mean after 3.3.5? :D
    And what is the difference between old wotlk expansion and new in dowload section?
    new has updated WoD-models. Nothing else

    old is the original.

  5. new has updated WoD-models. Nothing else

    old is the original.
    This. There is no diffrence in "gameplay" etc. New client is just like 2GB more becuse of new characters models etc. Plust you get less fps in crowded arenas or raids because of new models. Its not big deal like 20-30 fps max but for people with potato computers you will feel the diffrence.

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