1. This one isn't mine but i laughed my *** off, bcs it's the funniest i've ever seen:

    Feral Druid-Menopaws

  2. This one isn't mine but i laughed my *** off, bcs it's the funniest i've ever seen:

    Feral Druid-Menopaws
    Orc Shaman - Pleb

  3. This one isn't mine but i laughed my *** off, bcs it's the funniest i've ever seen:

    Feral Druid-Menopaws
    Original, 10/10 :D

    Posting my name again - Warlock FearFullDots (to make it clear, I am not making a grammar mistake in a word fearful)

  4. Shaman-Shahealoneal Said as "ShaHeal O'Neal"

  5. 5/10 dank roleplaying

    Mwmwmwmwmwm - Warlock (human)
    Wmwmwmwmwmw - Warrior (human)

  6. Shaman - Shocknorris


    ty all.

  7. 6/10, nice lel.

    My night elf druid on Blackrock (yeah, whatever xd) : Belfe.

  8. Shaman - Shocknorris


    ty all.
    8/10 heard it once before

    paladin : ggeasy
    dk reserved naùe: touchofdeath

  9. 8/10 heard it once before

    paladin : ggeasy
    dk reserved naùe: touchofdeath
    boring overused meme 1/10

    edit: I do like the DK name though 7/10
    Edited: October 20, 2015 Reason: afterthoughts

  10. 7/10

    Xevious :) Orc Shaman :P
    0/10, you forget all your multiboxing dummies (you look like a ****ing damned train).

    Paladin - Imperael

  11. 4/10 i dont get it :(

    paladin: Buttardin

  12. 4/10 i dont get it :(

    paladin: Buttardin
    1/10, i thought being paladin is ******ed, but that name made it even more ******ed :*

    *oh yeah, as you may have guessed, my name is Till ingame as well lol
    Edited: October 20, 2015

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