1. Error Creating Character

    Hi there,

    So, when i started playing earlier today, I rolled horde, and after talking to some friends who are going to start playing as well, they decided to go Alliance. So i deleted my level 7 warlock and attempted to create a new Gnome Warlock to play with my friends. However, ever since deleting my first character Ive continiously gotten this error when creating a new character.

    Also, when I go to the realm select screen it still says I have 1 character on Lordaeron. But when i select the server there is no charcter in the character select screen.

    Does it take a while for a character to get fully deleted or whats going on?

    Any help would be appreciated!

  2. Hey Jmiller44,

    There are some errors when using the WOD textures at character creation screen.
    Try to randomise the appareance a few times, see if it helps.

    If nothing else fails, try to use the old client, with the original textures, not the WOD ones.

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