1. stop disconnect maybe??????????????

  2. more dc = more practice = moar pew pew

    ez game

  3. Week 3 LoD 3!
    Lasttry besttry

  4. Aaaand week 4 lod 4! Not a straight 12/12 this week, but the rerun went quite smooth, so there`s that.

  5. well done. it could've been 1 shot but lizy wiped us with her defile :D

  6. Trinity nab guild.. They invited me so must be nabs....

  7. 12 bosses, 12 oneshots!
    5th LoD, first 1shot!

  8. woaw imagine there could be more than 1 person posting here

  9. woaw imagine there could be more than 1 person posting here
    I will post here. :)
    Hai Sel


    12 bosses, 12 oneshots!
    5th LoD, first 1shot!
    That was awesome!
    Edited: December 21, 2015

  10. selaya spam onagers on lk for 1 shot

  11. Kek

    more like 1shot all adds cos low hp men

  12. idk mby if u get enough onagers u can make wonders

  13. 200 onagers can construct a Wonder?

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