1. Best DPS

    Hey guys, im here to ask about this realm best DPS class/spec. I have read in other forums that MM hunters and FFB magues were best DPS classes in other kingdoms (not in Lordaeron) due to certain bugs. As this realm is so good and has relatively no bugs, what's your opinion about best DPS class?

  2. Hunters are ridiculous with low gear, DK as well but may change when classes that scale better get gear.

  3. Ok, in the case you have a decent gear (blue or higher)

  4. Whenever someone says Marksman Hunter, Ret Pala, Frost DK, Fury Warrior are the top DPS in charts, its said for end game content.

    on i200 level items, MM hunters are not on top charts, as they start to build up in proper terms after i226 when the physical damage overcomes the spell damage. Till then its a pain and stress, because whatever you do in your right rotation, glyphs or cds .... you wont be hitting on that par like others do or a surv hunter does .... and movement or mana drains will hurt your dps more

  5. Whenever someone says Marksman Hunter, Ret Pala, Frost DK, Fury Warrior are the top DPS in charts, its said for end game content.

    on i200 level items, MM hunters are not on top charts, as they start to build up in proper terms after i226 when the physical damage overcomes the spell damage. Till then its a pain and stress, because whatever you do in your right rotation, glyphs or cds .... you wont be hitting on that par like others do or a surv hunter does .... and movement or mana drains will hurt your dps more
    don't forget your pet dying every encounter cuz arbitrary damage buffs :) :)

  6. don't forget your pet dying every encounter cuz arbitrary damage buffs :) :)
    and when a pet dies, specially a wolf !
    Hunter looses around 15-17% DPS on a dungeon boss encounter :D

    But still i have been in group with actual healers, who were really supportive. While i was busy blowing my cds and Rapid Fire, they healed my pet and i did not bother to click for mend pet anyways. Yet, almost 85% play like "its hunter's pet not mine"

  7. dunno how good SV is never seen anyone play SV in pve at 3.3 but BM is a monster at low ilv.dunno if it will be top class DPS but its better then MM with naxx gear.
    bw i dont remember my pet have ever die in raid as BM.
    Edited: December 29, 2015

  8. dunno how good SV is never seen anyone play SV in pve at 3.3 but BM is a monster at low ilv.dunno if it will be top class DPS but its better then MM with naxx gear.
    bw i dont remember my pet have ever die in raid as BM.
    well most guys are playing SV atm in the realm on PvE, even BM is not at that par with a SV hunter atm.
    As i already said, before i226 MM Hunters are not a sweet DPS ! This is a FACT !
    And pet dies mostly on dungeon encounters for MM, not raids. As the shot macros are mixed mostly to raise DPS

  9. Affliction warlock is a monster too. Skilled spec but extremely awarding.

  10. Then, a well equiped phisical dps does more dmg in end term game than a well equiped spell dps? For example hunter or frost dk vs mague or warlock

  11. it's difficult to answer,if you speak on term of fights it depends on encounter and raid composition and some times role assignment:(you may be told for example to keep dispeling enrage like on LK fight,or just kill adds.
    without buff stucking usually casters do better.

  12. an adequate player seems to be the best dps

  13. Fury Warrior, Frost DPS can easily shoot for top charts if skills.

    Otherwise being an MM Hunter, i have never seen a Warlock, Spriest, Mage, Boomkin surpassing me on BiS gears. P.S. None prefers a mage for ICC 10 heroic or RS 10 heroic

    Palladins are an easy DPS class but after a certain DPS it becomes mandatory and hard for newbies to control the rotations to top the DPS charts.

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