1. oFollow

    Anyone have a cracked version of ofollow? Someone said here on Warmane Forums maybe half year ago, that I can find it on ownedc***, but I found nothing.
    Just want to try it and maybe buy it in the near future. But SolidIce don't provide any trial period and it's cost 30$, it's a half year of ISBoxer for me.

  2. I don't know about cracked versions, but I bought it and been using it over 50 BGs already. You just must have 25+ fps on every slave to avoid zigzag running.

    Needed commands:
    /of - Setup your ISBoxer windows dimensions: Example you have main monitor with 1920x1080 resolution and you play with that resolution so you main is 1920x810 and slaves something like 480x240.
    /of debug on - test follow before joining first bg
    /of debug off
    /of master - toon to be followed / You only need run this once after login or when changing master.
    /of slave - follower / You only need run this once after login or when changing master.
    /of follow - start following
    /of break - break follow

    HIGHLY recommended that you do a '/of break' once combat starts (i put the line in my #1 spammable macro)
    Edited: January 6, 2016

  3. Bump for that. I don't want to dish out 30$ just to multibox beyond cataclysm.

  4. @thebotz Warmane decide upgrade cata to mop. Maybe now u need to spend 30$, hah. I have 110x 90 ungeared chars on MoP, amazing... I hate MoP, rly. Only good way to gear up Timeless and Isle of Thunder, but they don't work.

    @Repc ty for info, maybe I can handle it w/o zigzags on 10x chars (3840x1750 60/30 fps).
    I have Soultrader, but it's bugged and can't properly use it with IWT.

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