1. May 9, 2020  
    Hello there, I cant make focus of target with this addons, Can you help me?

  2. May 14, 2020  
    What nameplates are you using? Modified Aloft? Can't find anything for wotlk really other than that and TidyPlates. Thanks

  3. July 5, 2020  
    How do I increase the size of the party frames? can't figure it out for the life of me..

  4. By default the party frames are displayed as raid frames, so you need to going into unit configuration > Raid and uncheck 'show party as raid'. Now any changes you make to the party unit frames will show.

    Late reply but if there are any others like myself who still use this then they may find it helpful. The OP did a very good job of configuring.

  5. Focus CC icon in the middle of the screen

    Hi Guys,

    do you have any ideas how to remove icon of CC on the focus frame in the arena ?
    Whenever focus target gets CCed by me or my teammate, it pops an icon of the control in the middle of the screen (like loss control).

    I tried to find this feature in SuF options but i found nothing.
    I am 100% sure it's SuF cuz i enabled/disabled in arena.

    It's really annoying, any suggestions how to solve this ?

    Thanks a lot.

  6. Hi Guys,

    do you have any ideas how to remove icon of CC on the focus frame in the arena ?
    Whenever focus target gets CCed by me or my teammate, it pops an icon of the control in the middle of the screen (like loss control).

    I tried to find this feature in SuF options but i found nothing.
    I am 100% sure it's SuF cuz i enabled/disabled in arena.

    It's really annoying, any suggestions how to solve this ?

    Thanks a lot.
    just configure your LoseControl, lol

  7. I am looking for an option to make raid groups sorting/growing blizzlike. Where can i find this kind of alignment in the options, i have tried everything, if it is not in the options could you please implement this ?

    Edited: April 15, 2021

  8. May 27, 2021  
    Yo is this the addon that Qwneer uses?

  9. How do you enable the enemy cast bar ?

  10. Followed this tutorial, i can see both profiles in "profile presets" but can't select them.
    Any help ?

  11. How do i get it to look like cata raid frames the standard big block colored ones? i cant find the "show debuff to set to 5"

  12. 4 Weeks Ago  
    Do you have any idea on what's the problem why I can't set focus on mouse click? I have to manually type focus in order to work(Focus unit is enabled in the settings)

First 12

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