Kick! Punch! It's all in the mind. If you wanna test me, I'm sure you'll find. The things I teach ya are sure to beat ya. But nevertheless you'll get a lesson from teacher people!
Welcome the World (of Warcraft) Wrestling Federation where a shaman's hurricane spell pales in comparison to a well done hurricanrana.
Shedim here will need a lot more than a smug facial expression to get out of this situation if she doesn't want to truly live up to the name of her guild "I crit myself".
I too can barely contain my excitement for the outcome of this heated match.
So here's some advertisements:
{The adventures of Tengelmann - Chapter Koenigsberger Klops}
Some people out there mean nothing but trouble.
Luckily for the most part you can tell right from the start.
"ohhhhh look, it's Tengel, the guy who likes gnomes so much". Please.
Out of all my defining traits I pride myself with, this is the thing you thought could lure me out?
It's degreading, insulting, outrageous and most of all effective...
After all, my most dominant defining trait is my curiosity and I just had to see what was so special about that gnome.
And just like a child that got too curious about touching the stove, I too was about to get burned.
I think we can all tell where this is going.
What I don't know is why I was asked to come see this unfold.
Now, I haven't seen anything in the forum's code of conduct that would specifically advise against posting this but I feel like I'm testing the waters here.
I can probably talk my way out of this by saying this was for the sake of art, provided that I don't openly mention this.
Again, I digress.
The more I think about it, the more I start to see something in that gnome's face...
my god...
So, after this clumsy session of - I'll call it Blobber Flubber for lack of a better term - I had to take my leave.
My friend Foc who happened to be in the same group as I was near and I'd have a hard time explaining this spectacle.
I know for a fact that she doesn't check the forums, so this place should keep the secret just fine.
Sigh... Out of all my defining traites I pride myself with, you've chosen to refer to me by my vest...
Anyhow, it seems like I wasn't leaving this place on my own.
great! Clothing!
And not a second too early.
Foc entered the premisses only a moment after.
For some reason though this simple encounter with her caused Dalaran to have something close to a mental breakdown and run away.
Now I could just leave this crazy person be, but you know me.
Looking around a bit I've spotted Dalaran facing the wall in the bank.
ol' Tengelmann has a soft spot for crazy people.
Now let's see why this one's so butthurt.
Not necessarily my proudest display of eloquent diplomatic geniusness I must say...
Now there's a chance that a horde alt of Dalaran might come here and kill the bankers.
And to make things worse I may the one to blame for this.
I can't let my ally buddies down, I have a reputation to maintain.
So I decided to take Dalaran with me to a safe and peaceful place.
All she needed to do first was get something from the bank real quick.
I have to admit, at first it seemed like these bankers were doomed.
But I guess it just goes to show that you don't need to be max level to be a hero.
Far away.
We needed to get far away.
This might or might not have drawn some attention to us.
It might be a little late to try and save the bankers, but perhaps they'll respawn in peace.
As long as I stick to the plan, things should be good.
And the plan involves crossing the burning steppes which is always a joy in and of itself.
But sometimes you got to work through the pain to finally find a place of beauty.
Trust me, I must know.
A few not too complicated jumps in the mountains of the steppes and you'll find yourself in the promised land.
Just downhill from here is the place where peace and quiet are finally present.
All is well that ends well, you would say, am I right?
If you thought this was over then you've naively disregarded the chances of meeting a surprise visitor.
Of all places.
Now, you never know what's to come next.
A simple gank?
A confession of love?
Nah, it's much more bizarre than that.
What we got here is a half naked sales representative for what seems to be both especially leaky and noisy water coolers.
Seriously. Just end me at this point.
Eventually the sales representative decided to leave.
Leaving us with a total of four free samples we've never asked for.
This otherwise idyllic oasis was effectively turned into a modern office environment.
Well, at least watercoolers are known to fuel good conversations.