1. Open Group Finder is here!!

    I truly hope the mods don't mind me making a new thread on the General Discussion Forums, but I figured the more people that know about this great add on, the better off people will be and besides, everybody knows that more people travel through General Discussion then any other part of the forums.

    But with no further delay here's the Link to the OP, (that can be found under Wraith of The Lich King > Lordaeron Section).


    What's it do?

    It's an Add on like any other and helps you find like minded people to form groups with to run dungeons (and hopefully BG's and Group Quest in the near future).

    Basically you can list yourself for a specific dungeon and select a role(s) and people with the add on can see you and whisper you and invite you if they like.

    This is NOT a Automated RDF Tool like Blizzards, but more of a OQueue type tool that is there to assist you forming groups, just not do it all for you. Feel free to download the add-on and drop it into your WoW Interface Add on Folder and log back in and give it ago, further instructions and direct download link is in the link i posted above!!!!

    P.S. Please feel free to drop a big thank you to Pinecleandog for this add on and leave any feed back that you can to help direct Pinecleandog in his further development of this wonderful add on.

    and again:


  2. Need to bump this.
    Download it, use it, advertise it to guild and friends. Help make this big.
    There may be not that many ppl using it right now, but it's getting more every hour and once many ppl are using this it will ease things so much!

  3. You didn't really need to make a thread that links to a thread that's on the website already, though

  4. You didn't really need to make a thread that links to a thread that's on the website already, though

  5. Problem is that nobody is using this at all

  6. Problem is that nobody is using this at all
    What's the point, really? Does it magically make you appear inside the dungeon or give you great rewards like emblems? It doesn't really do anything that global chat can't get you, unfortunately.

  7. What's the point, really? Does it magically make you appear inside the dungeon or give you great rewards like emblems? It doesn't really do anything that global chat can't get you, unfortunately.
    The point is to avoid garbage chats such as /global. That's the point. This addon will help alleviate the need for dealing with global.

    W/e floats your boat is not my say so, but a lot of people find it quite annoying to spam LFG X Dungeon or LFM Y People for X Dungeon when your spam is surrounded by 12 year-old clutter.

    By all means, stay in Global if you like it, never asked anyone or you specifically to leave. Just stating an honest fact.

  8. I DL'd it and got in a group within the first 5 min, works for me.

  9. Just dl'ed it, looking forward to seeing how it performs. Thanks for developing it.

  10. i cant seem to get it to activate :/ is antone else having that problem?

  11. ... It doesn't really do anything that global chat can't get you, unfortunately.
    That's not the claim. Nobody has said this addon achieves anything that can't be currently done. What this DOES do is create a filtered "channel" for players to more easily facilitate the creation of groups. Now you don't have to wade through tons of spam and junk in the Global chat to find players who are looking to run the same dungeon as you.

  12. I wonder how many downloads this needs before warmane would enable the original rdf system..

  13. I wonder how many downloads this needs before warmane would enable the original rdf system..
    One more than you ever can find.
    Why would this add-on change anything about out position? If this did all RDF could, what would be the use of RDF anyways? If it didn't (and it doesn't), what would you expect to be different? People still can't do what RDF allows, all is the same for us.

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