1. Stepping into PVE world

    Hi there,
    I just want to ask prefessional PVE warriors, since it's a private server and it has it's own rules if we talk about pretty much everything:

    1. What is currently the best choice as for being DPS: Arms or Fury?
    2. Stat priorities for HIT and EXPERTISE (cap), also do you prefer crit over mastery?
    3. Any addidtional advice would be cool to read.

    I'v been playing since WoTLK on Frostwolf past Cataclysm to MoP, but now.. i don't really have that much time to experiment with different reforging, gems, talent trees etc. but it would be nice to clear current content hance need some tips.

    Astrnaut, Frostwolf
    Edited: February 9, 2016

  2. 1. Arms beats Fury, unless you're BiS geared.
    2. Hit is 8% for specials and two-handed, expertise is 6.50%. Crit is superior to mastery.
    3. Read guides. Keep Collosus Smash and MS on cooldown. Rend must always be on the target. Use Slam as filler. Use OP whenever available, but not before CS and MS, unless if it's going to get overwritten. Use HS when you have more than 50-60 rage. Use Exe below 20%, but keep using CS and MS nonetheless.
    Edited: February 10, 2016

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