1. Hey guys.

    Let me clear out a few things.

    I saw some angry comments regarding not everyone being able to participate in the PTR.
    During the early state of player testing, Warmane likes to keep it in smaller and more constructive group.
    One staff member have to always monitor the raid and therefore we can not have 3-4 guilds testing it at the same time.

    If we think its needed, we will open up a PTR for everyone so they can try it out 1-2 weeks before reelase.
    All depending on the results from the first tests.

    The current status and shapre of ToT is decent.
    Released bosses, some with minor bugs:
    - Jinrokh
    - Horridon
    - Tortos
    - Magaera
    - Ji-Kun
    - Primordius
    - Dark Animus
    - Lei Shen
    - Raden

    - Durumu of the Forgotten will most likely be released during next testing phase.

    Remaining bosses
    - Iron Qon
    - Twin Consorts

    The fixing progress has been great so far and majority of all issues from the first test run has already been fixed.
    I will most likely get in touch with one or two more guilds to test out ToT HC.

  2. Thank you for your reply, it clears up a lot of things :)

  3. Finally some words of staff members. I guess only this guy speaks for the many questions we have it.

    I'd ask for TBC content information but all wait on it.

  4. Finally some words of staff members. I guess only this guy speaks for the many questions we have it.

    I'd ask for TBC content information but all wait on it.
    We havnt pandaria content you speak for TBC

  5. Hey guys.

    Let me clear out a few things.

    I saw some angry comments regarding not everyone being able to participate in the PTR.
    During the early state of player testing, Warmane likes to keep it in smaller and more constructive group.
    One staff member have to always monitor the raid and therefore we can not have 3-4 guilds testing it at the same time.

    If we think its needed, we will open up a PTR for everyone so they can try it out 1-2 weeks before reelase.
    All depending on the results from the first tests.

    The current status and shapre of ToT is decent.
    Released bosses, some with minor bugs:
    - Jinrokh
    - Horridon
    - Tortos
    - Magaera
    - Ji-Kun
    - Primordius
    - Dark Animus
    - Lei Shen
    - Raden

    - Durumu of the Forgotten will most likely be released during next testing phase.

    Remaining bosses
    - Iron Qon
    - Twin Consorts

    The fixing progress has been great so far and majority of all issues from the first test run has already been fixed.
    I will most likely get in touch with one or two more guilds to test out ToT HC.
    I wouldn't say that we are mad or anything, I know that egb will do good job, i was just complaining about lack of information. Ty for info anyway, it's good to hear that you are making progress and good luck..:)

  6. Well it is usually this guy and green_dev who speaks. Skybro too so that makes 3 who communicate with us.

  7. OMG Frostwolf has 2 PTRs. But where is the live server?

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