1. all link all macro link dudu feral macro :( dps

    all link all macro link dudu dps macro :(

  2. #showtooltip
    /cast [nostealth,nocombat] Prowl; [modifier] Ravage; [stealth] Pounce; Shred
    - one bind key - Prowl - Pounce (with alt/shift/ctrl = ravage) - in combat shred

    /cast [stance:1/3] Faerie Fire (Feral); Faerie Fire
    FF in cat/bear/noform - on 1bind

    /cast [@focus, stance:1/3] Faerie Fire (Feral); [@focus] Faerie Fire
    FF in cat/bear/noform - on focus

    /cast [stance:1] Swipe (Bear)(Rank 8); [stance:3] Swipe (Cat)(Rank 1)
    - Swipe - 1bind (bear/cat)

    /cast Berserk
    /cancelaura Hand of Protection
    - burst (you can add /use some trinket for pop)

    /run if (not UnitAffectingCombat("player")) and (GetUnitSpeed("player")==0) and IsOutdoors() then if IsUsableItem(94154) then CallCompanion("MOUNT", 2) else CallCompanion("MOUNT", 1) end end
    /cast [indoors] Cat Form; Travel Form
    - macro for forms (switch fly form - outdoor, cat - indoor/combat, travel form - outdoor)

    /use !Cat Form(Shapeshift)
    - morf cat form

    /use !Dire Bear Form(Shapeshift)
    - morf bear form

    its all what I need - more bind for all
    situation - inner/dispel/abolish poison/clone/thorns/potion/heal/deff cds

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