DO NOT open threads to report players. Please send the following information via IN-GAME ticket:
Reported player name and Realm
Approximate date and time when it happened
Evidence if you have any (links to unedited screenshots, videos etc). Please note that we may be unable to do much if there is no evidence in some of the cases
Brief explanation
Reporting via forum thread or posting visitor message is considered inappropriate use of the forums and action will be taken as well as the thread being deleted.
Sending multiple copies of same report will be considered as a spam and inappropriate use of ticket system which may lead to temporary account suspension.
Please note that if you decide to send PM via forum to a member of GM team, then you will need to include realm name as well. We also cannot guarantee that forum PM will be replied to in timely manner due to various reasons.
It has sadly come to Staff attention that more and more players are trying to disrupt the peaceful ingame environment by abusing and tricking other players into scams. We will not tolerate such behaviour anymore and will take action against those that act with such malicious intent.
What is a scam?
A scam is acquiring someone's items or gold by missinformation or fraud. Example: Scammer: "here have this wodin's lucky necklace" The victim receives Squashed Rabbit Carcass instead of the necklace, in trade of his gold.
DO NOT report on Staff's visitor pages. Do not open threads. If you have been victim of an IN-GAME SCAM please send the following information via IN-GAME ticket:
Name of the scammer Approximate date and time when it happened
Brief explanation
Screenshots have to be unedited. Recorded evidence is optional but will be heavily considered over screenshots evidence.
* Screenshot(s)1 must contain the trade window with either side accepting, the name of the traded good being visible (several items mean several screenshots of the first category) and all your bags being open with enough space for whatever would be traded and showing your gold. ** Screenshot(s)2 must contain the "Trade complete" message in the middle of the screen and your all bags being open with enough space for whatever should have been traded and showing your gold. If you received a different item(s) from the one you should have got, please make the name visible.
We might consider solid evidence which does not follow this exact format but circumstances must be clear on it. We encourage you to try to follow this as closely as possible to make investigation easier for us.
If a VALID report was submitted, an In-Game Staff member will look into the matter and suspend scammer's accounts for 30 days. Ban length increases with repeated incidents per account. Reports which are missing vital information needed in investigation will usually result in scammer getting away.
This will NOT get you a refund of whatever gold or items you may have lost in the scam. GMs cannot refund any items or gold. This will simply remove the scammer temporarily from the game.
GMs should NOT be your shield against scams. Common sense and caution are the best ways to prevent yourself from scams.
This does NOT include guild bank thefts. You should always be careful who you give what rights in your guild that is your own responsibilty.
This has NOTHING to do with so called "Ninjas". See below how to report those.
Because of increasing number of ninjas in raids we decided to step forward and enforce new rules. From now on players caught in act of ninja during a raid/dungeon run will be banned. Please bear in mind that best way to avoid ninjas is common sense and raiding with trusted players or guild.
What qualifies as ninja?
- Player need rolling (group loot) on items which he cannot even use.
- In RDF needing on items for Off-Spec (unless everyone in party is explictly fine with this).
- Need rolling for other players to have 2 or more roll chances at one item.
- Kicking players from raid for no reason, especially before distributing loot from boss kill that they participated in.
- Master Looter taking items that were not reserved or giving them to players that did not win, unless it's 2nd highest roll when winner had no use for the item (rogue rolling on caster trinket).
- Changing looting rules during the raid, after it has started.Example: You joined a raid that was being advertised as one with no reserved items and after first boss raid leader says that he reserves item x from last boss.
- Player exploiting game bug to bypass master loot.
- Player need rolling on gear for transmog in areas which are not appropriate (Example: Need rolling on epic or rare endgame pre-raid gear)
- Player need rolling on gear which is clearly worse than what they had before, despite being for their current class and role
- Player need rolling on epic or rare endgame pre-raid gear for selling
In such cases it is best if master looter would fill report that shows player leaving the raid and empty loot window. Do not open topics on the forums to report ninja.
If you have been victim of a NINJA in raid please send the following information via IN-GAME ticket:
Name of the ninja
Date of the incident
Brief explanation
Screenshots have to be unedited. Recorded evidence is optional but will be heavily considered over screenshots evidence.
* Screenshot containing explaination of looting rules (and if any item is reserved). If it wasn't mentioned you should consider asking for it within the raid/group, before it begins. Examples of clear looting rules: "LF2M DPS and Healer Icecrown Citadel 25. All tier tokens reserved for guild, everything else will be distributed via rolling" "Organising VOA raid, all items to be rolled for. Nothing reserved" "LFM Trial of the Crusader. All loot will be distributed via rolling"
** Screenshot showing raid composition (full raid group window) at the start of raid.
** Any changes of Master Looter should be documented too to further improve the evidence. Should Raid leader change person with Master Loot he has to ensure that new ML knows how loot is distributed.
*** Screenshot showing all rolls for an item (preferably in a big chat window) starting when item roll is called for.
*** Or screenshot showing player changing looting rules during the raid.
**** Screenshot showing player taking item for himself/giving it to player who did not win roll. Raid window showing raid leader and ML should be opened as well, alternatively if person left raid after ninja a message showing him leaving raid.
In rare cases evidence other than listed above may be considered if it is glaringly obvious (e.g. priest taking all the loot including plate items and leaving raid), but otherwise please try to follow this guide as much as possible.
If a VALID report was submitted, an In-Game Staff member will look into the matter and suspend ninja's account for 60 days (current expansion raids), 5 days (current expansion dungeons / old raids) or 2 days (old content dungeons). Ban length increases with repeated incidents per account. This does not cover full guild raids (although some extreme cases may be considered). However if raid is led by member of a guild and there's even just 1 "pug" member then she/he should be explained what are looting rules and this policy becomes active for such raid.
We will NOT transfer items that were lost to ninjas. GMs cannot refund any items or gold. This will simply remove the ninja temporarily from the game.
GMs should NOT be your shield against ninjas. Please bear in mind that this will not stop all ninjas and it's your best intent to take measures yourself and avoid suspicious raids, especially when leaders refuse to explain looting rules.
Do NOT deface players in public (global channel etc) especially if you have no proof against them. Actions may be taken against players who continue to call others ninjas in public channels.
Each case is individually reviewed and some exceptions to the above may be applied, given that we feel it is most appropriate to take different approach in particular case.