1. Nah wotlk is best expansion ever. TBC 2nd. I hope for x1 tbc realm inthe future not some x7 crap

  2. Nah wotlk is best expansion ever. TBC 2nd. I hope for x1 tbc realm inthe future not some x7 crap
    x1 all the way

  3. Well, if it's gonna be TBC, then for sure it's gonna be x1. But we'll see. Lot of water to run, lot of bread to be eaten until that point. First let's have Lordaeron reach the end of its development and also give Cata and MoP proper attention and then I think they may be able to turn their gaze on a TBC/vanilla project. And if Blizzard eventually decides to open a vanilla/TBC server, then it won't be worth it for Warmane to do it.

  4. problem with tbc is that there are literally no decent open source wow tbc emu projects to start with
    this is why you dont see many tbc servers, ofcourse there are some, but even after years of development they are pretty bad
    basically what i am trying to say here is that tbc would require a huge amount of time and effort to make it on pair with warmane standards, which I dont think they would want to switch their man hours to

  5. short answer: absoultely not

    long answer: the warmane staff has expressed their opinion on this many times. they want to progress forward, not go back. this thread will be locked and deleted soon. its against the rules to suggest another realm regarding those xpacs in particular.
    Lmao Blizzard answer, you should be banned for this. Joke aside.

    Real answer is most likely cause of staff and the ammount of work, they already have 3 expansions to deal with, ask Cata players if they would enjoy having their servers updated more often.

    Personally, I think the largest customer demand out there is WOTLK, TBC and Vanilla. Imagine if Warmane would scrap their Cata and MoP servers and instead to WOTLK, TBC and Vanilla instead.... I predict 10k players online on each server. Warmane would become dominate

  6. First fix mop and cata then start thinking about other xpacks as a mop player i do not want to see another lord happening and pretty much telling other xpack players go suck a big d

  7. Ye this guy gets it, Cata and MoP are so inferior expansions. You would attract so much more players by having a Vanilla, TBC and Wotlk realm since that is generally what people are looking for these days.

    If you actually had those previous expansions working just as good as Lordearon the community on Warmane would be the best, and it would probably top all other private servers out there.

  8. I spoke to Kaer to the effect of this discussion. Not just for TBC, but the topic of Vanilla as well. Right now, for us, as much as we may want to play these parts of the game, it just isn't feasible for us from a development stand-point. There are a lot of internals problems that this could cause (for both the staff, and the community). As for the possibility of copy/paste or open-source, these aren't things that we think would either be fair or wise to rely on, nor would it be as easy as "just that".

  9. Honestly, I would really love to play TBC. I love it more than wotlk, specially the arenas and PvP.

  10. I pref wotlk since i started there playing wow, never liked tbc tho

  11. I spoke to Kaer to the effect of this discussion. Not just for TBC, but the topic of Vanilla as well. Right now, for us, as much as we may want to play these parts of the game, it just isn't feasible for us from a development stand-point. There are a lot of internals problems that this could cause (for both the staff, and the community). As for the possibility of copy/paste or open-source, these aren't things that we think would either be fair or wise to rely on, nor would it be as easy as "just that".
    Honestly this is like the best response anyone could ever ask for! Thank you so much from the bottom of all us TBC fans for trying, in the end it's the thought that counts and I personally feel you've done all you can for now and leaving this thread open is a big step in the right direction for the staff at Warmane and for the community here as well.

    At least as new people come and go from the forums they can see this thread and get some official feedback and understand why things are the way they are.

    Thank you so much Mercy.


  12. Theres not alot stuff to script. Its 95% done. TBC copy paste from wotlk servers.
    Yea, right and because its 95% copy-paste... Corec**** can not script those 5% for 10 years mm ?
    Edited: April 27, 2016

  13. Im curious if its still worth to host a cata and mop realm.
    Mark my words- the day will come when Warmane is very glad it has Cata and MoP realms, assuming it isn't already. It seems like everybody is making Vanilla-WOTLK servers, and there's a lot of open source stuff being created for those expansions. Plus, if Blizzard finally makes its own legacy server, it almost certainly won't be a Cata or MoP server.

    If you're offering a service, it's nice if it's something unique. Once MoP and Cata are in good shape, Warmane will get a lot of positive buzz for offering well-scripted servers for those expansions.

    And if you disagree, just don't play on them.

  14. Ye this guy gets it, Cata and MoP are so inferior expansions.
    I've heard a lot of top PVPers (e.g. Tosan, Talbadar) say that Cata was the peak of the game from a pvp class design standpoint. I definitely believe that's the case.

    WOTLK had too many faceroll specs that it was easy to button mash with. I like MoP, but they had just added too many faceroll abilities that require no thought or skill to use (e.g. Second Wind for warriors, that dumb warlock succubus pet with a no cooldown cc on autocast, burst of speed and paralytic poison on a different stun dr for rogues).

    Cata is the pvp sweet spot for me and many others. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best the game ever got from a skillful class design perspective.

  15. Nah, the later expansions shouldn't just be scratched. Well, at least not Cata. And Warmane are working hard on MoP, so I don't believe they're even considering scratching that one out.

    For now I say that we satisfy ourselves with what we have, which is quite a lot already, and after a year or so when WotLK, Cata and MoP development has advanced we'll see.

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