1. May 11, 2016  
    Having 3 expansions is more of a movement forward than opening a vanilla realm.

    So are the realms here, or at least on the wrath servers as of lately.
    Actually I rather think it's standing still, but if you say so.

  2. May 11, 2016  
    Actually I rather think it's standing still, but if you say so.
    How exactly does development on 3 expansions that are newer than vanilla become less forward than adding a vanilla server?
    Adding older content is in itself a step backwards, unless you have some skewed timeline.

  3. May 11, 2016  
    Yeah, Kronos is getting **** on right now. I used to play there for the last 2-3 weeks or so, I came here a couple of days ago, now Warmane's also down with the "Authenticating" halt. Overwatch beta is also over. Did my Hearthstone dailies.

    I feel kind of lost right now and don't know what to do with my life. Guess I'll play League.

    And yes, of course we all want a working vanilla realm and, believe me, Warmane wants it too, but right now it's just not a good idea. Think of it from their PoV for just one minute and you'd stop arguing in this thread immediately.

    If only people applied this more often to arguments in life...

  4. May 11, 2016  
    I'm not sure in any way how would authentication stop you from playing, especially since thats not something you HAVE to have, it's just in case you want to have your account safer.
    And yeah, even if Warmane would want to go for Vanilla, they should finish current expansions first.

  5. May 11, 2016  
    I mean the servers were stuck at "Authenticating" and nobody could log in for like hours today.

  6. May 12, 2016  
    after molten became warmane all we could here from staff is they won't open lordaeron(1x wotlk) again,becouse they want to move forward and it wouldn't be popular, they opened it after all and now that has 10k players and they just "moved backwards" ,so what are we talking about?
    a vanilla realm here would be as popular as lordaeron or even more

  7. May 12, 2016  
    a new expansion should only ever be considered after the current 3 are near 100% working.

  8. May 12, 2016  
    Wotlk is pretty much finished, right?

  9. May 12, 2016  
    Wotlk is pretty much finished, right?
    Finished in what way? If you're talking about scripting and fixes... hell no.

  10. May 13, 2016  
    No, there's still a lot to do. Yes, it's the best of the three expansions, but it's far from perfect. The new core brought a lot of fresh fixes and scripts, but from that point it's Warmane's job to do their own thing - making the realm perfect. Otherwise it would be no different than any other Pserver using the same core...

    The most blatant thing off the top of my mind is Gunship Battle STILL being broken, with the sorcerers not freezing the cannons. Twilight Cutters on Halion's Shadow Realm also start too soon. BPC orbs tend to become "Absorb"-immune-bugged, making the fight really annoying on Normal and frustrating to heal on Hc. Gas bombs on PP hit the player who has taken the abom. VDW portals sometimes stack, sometimes don't - depends on how they feel on that day. Marrowgar also likes to spike, flame and Bonestorm the same player, making him one of the hardest fights on HC, which is just ridiculous.

    These are just the things that I could come up with right now, without mentioning other raids.

    Bronjahm cast maybe 1 orb max during the encounter. The cave gauntlet in PoS before Tyrannus only worked for like 1 week, then stopped. Also, for some reason (this one I noticed just yesterday) some of the orcs in Hellfire Ramparts Hc are HUMAN...
    Edited: May 13, 2016

  11. May 13, 2016  
    @ Ricsi046
    Actually they had other servers on wotlk after moltdown . So adding another of a kind isn't really moving anywhere actually just standing still

  12. May 13, 2016  
    I think this is what I don't get, why do people expect or want warmane to open a Vanilla server? There are other servers out there that offer Vanilla and TBC content, so why not go play on them? I'm not here to advertise for them, so I'll leave the names out of this, but in all seriousness, why not just play on another private server? Hell if you wanna know if the server is really worth playing on go to DodgyKebaab's Youtube channel. He has a whole list of servers that he's done reviews on so you don't have to waste any time leveling up just to find out the servers dead or bugged or whatever. Anyways, that was just my two cents and I'd really love to hear some feedback on this.

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