1. Half ignoring the feedback

    I understand you cant please everyone but you guys will make servers more boring. You will do same thing like niantic, or blizzard or any game provider that didn't listen to feedback and said "we heard you but don't care" thing, then lost half of population.

    Remember how many people played ragnaros realm and how many loarderon 2-3 years ago before wipe. People are here to have fun not to grind their life for single profession or reputation. Keep that in mind.

    Gold squish is totaly fine. But why touching rep and profession rates? :v
    Altho giving people 1 more month is nice thing of you warmane.

  2. The only thing that, well, bothers me is the reputation rate change. I wouldn't have problem with it if everything would to be working as intended, like more bug fixes, quest fixes etc, BUT this will gonna affect everyone. On the other hand, it will slow down widening of the gap between newcomers and "domestic" players. Since it will be more of grind fest than actual gear fest :) The other thing is profession rates, i am not sure how will that actually affect the professions itself, but i guess it will help in changing the economy by increasing supplies in the market. No problems with gold squish :)

  3. + Are they gonna fix northrend veins and herbs spawn? cause its just 90% wrong on frostwolf...
    I believe they should fix scripts rather than doing changes that will piss 90%+ of population playing here for fun, cause it wont be once they implement theyr revolutionary bs.
    Gold rate cahnge is fien tho.
    Edited: September 6, 2016 Reason: Missed half of it

  4. I also would like to hear a wise and valid justification to lower the reputation rates directly down to 1x on a server that is "supposed" to have fast rates. We already have a server with x1 (Lordaeron) on everything, so why make two? I'll pray that they can change their mind in time.

  5. The only thing I'm going to say is that "Fast rate" Doesn't exactly outline what is suppose to be fast. I Believe they are trying to make the game last, if you get everything right away it will get boring pretty quick.

  6. I Believe they are trying to make the game last, if you get everything right away it will get boring pretty quick.
    That intention is great but not exactly for Icecrown. And even x7 is not exactly a reason to say "right away", it still takes some time. Meanwhile x1 on a realm where players don't enjoy farming seems too low and painful, especially for those reputations where you have non-working quests and/or 1 or 2 dailies. Best choice would be between x3 and x5, but that's me...

  7. I can understand and live with the gold rate changes and the squish. The rep rates being changed to 1x will just make it much more difficult to gear my alts. I don't need any rep on my main really at all, but every fresh character I roll will probably want some northrend epic rep rewards and some chants. You are doing the reverse of your aim, assuming you are trying to make endgame more pleasing for newer players by reducing gold inflation, the rep rate changes will just make it more obnoxious to gear alts.

  8. The only thing I'm going to say is that "Fast rate" Doesn't exactly outline what is suppose to be fast. I Believe they are trying to make the game last, if you get everything right away it will get boring pretty quick.
    Jept thats the blizzards logic ... but i somehow believe that will not be the case here... just talking from a gamer perspective my self. and lowering reps on frostwolf where 0.4 quests are working ... just no.

  9. SO im thinking it through, they will implement 1x professions rate on bugged herbs in northrend and not ot mention archeology profession hmm... Real motivation for new commers

  10. When someone says they will listen to your feedback it doesn't mean that they will do as you tell them too.
    Feedback may or may not change how things are handled from the original plan the entity wants to do.
    Edited: September 17, 2016

  11. It won't be long till they close this topic either.

    Look staff, it's very simple, the ideas are not bad, but when you change the reputation rates to x1 but the quests don't even work how is that going to function.
    Furthermore how is changing the profession rates to x1 a good idea when the spawns of gathering professions are bugged.
    Edited: September 17, 2016

  12. I was referring to anyone that ask for any feedback.

  13. You can't say staff is ignoring the feedback, they are just not telling anything because they have enough time to rethink. Furthermore they know these ideas are bad after like 200 separated posts with no / don't pls etc. and it will be very bad decision to do what they say, it will be probably something in the middle of staff/players opinion.

  14. they are just not telling anything because they have enough time to rethink.
    I damn hope you're right

  15. When someone says they will listen to your feedback it doesn't mean that they will do as you tell them too.
    Feedback may or may not change how things are handled from the original plan the entity wants to do.
    Doesn't that contradict with past statements made before? Mainly from the information from the past threads and so-called streams and whatnot? Kear, Spark and the others said otherwise in those streams too.

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