1. [H] Berserk PvE guild looking for core members and more!

    Hello people of Icecrown, Berserking is looking for core raid members for ICC as well as other players that are seeking knowledge of these advance raids.
    ICC 25HC: 0/12
    ICC 10HC: 7/12 (PP skipped)
    ICC 25NM: 10/12 (PP skipped)
    ICC 10NM: 12/12
    Raid time: 5am-9am ST
    Currently there is no set raid time for when we do specific raids.
    *Will be updated when we have a set raid time*

    Where do I sign up?
    http://warmane.berserk.shivtr.com/ or contact one of our Officers at Berserk.

    Brandedguts(Guild Master).

  2. The raid times would be perfect for late NA, Oceanic and South East Asian raiders. However we do welcome all friendly players around the world to join us! :)

  3. Good luck!
    Edited: October 29, 2016 Reason: a word

  4. Thank you Gakudo. If 5am-9am ST is the perfect active time for you then come join us!

  5. How can someone be awake at this time?

    Definitely not for Eastern NA,

    unless I go full nolife mode. I only go half nolife.

    Edit : Do not mind my gold.. That's all I have.

  6. I'd like to join, add me in game: Halzart, arcane mage, 5k gs.

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