1. Twin Peacks Bettleground Problem

    Ok so is been 2 or 3 days now sence the Twin Peaks bettleground got bugged nobody can take flags not alliance or horde so you are forced to leav bg and got deserted and you que bg again and again is Twin Peaks and now you got 10 mins deserted becous you are force to leav again so if anyone of ppl that can do something about this read this can you do something about this is rly annoying and is all ready 2 days past with this bug.

    Edited: January 9, 2017

  2. More to add, this battleground is very bugged. Both flags are not spawned, graveyards do not work. The timer is also infinite. But interestingly, spells work differently. I thought the horde sp i was fighting was a hacker, but none of my cc worked on anyone. I even let people cc me. Also, spell functions like holy power and embers on warlock dont get used up on cast. I could spam burning ember for 240k heals.

  3. Yea, that's the dreaded corrupted bg instance bug. It's not the first time this happened, I myself have witnessed it 2-3 times with other bgs already. Not being able to be CCd is normal in those instances, everybody is stuck in some sort of infinite "preparation" mode.
    Sucks if the server puts you in this instance. A server restart would get rid of it though.

  4. Yea, that's the dreaded corrupted bg instance bug. It's not the first time this happened, I myself have witnessed it 2-3 times with other bgs already. Not being able to be CCd is normal in those instances, everybody is stuck in some sort of infinite "preparation" mode.
    Sucks if the server puts you in this instance. A server restart would get rid of it though.
    I was about to say the same... it's like a "rotating" bug, and it looks like the fixing takes more than a couple of days too (I haven't played in the previous days to corroborate, but after reading the "symptoms", I know it has happened before in other bgs too).
    Let's bet what bg will be next XD
    Edited: January 9, 2017

  5. Happened to me too, but when I left, I didn't get deserter.

    Corpses always stay.
    Preparation is permanent (of course)
    The timer never runs out, but will announce for the BG to start.
    Battleground buffs like the berserker buff will never go away, so you can pick them up as much as you want.
    Certain crowd control will show up on a target as immune.
    The spirit healer doesn't work, so you have to run to your corpse manually if you die.
    Some spells will say ''failed attempt'' when you try to use them

    I spoke to a few people on another client cross faction, and those are a few things we found out. I'm not sure if that particular BG instance ''goes away'' once everyone leaves, but if it does, people will keep getting the same queue for it if someone stays in it too long.

  6. I got in to this bg, it is buged, and it keeps starting over and over..
    You cant cc or use some spells cos bg havent started yet..
    But its not every twin peeks, after i left buged one, i played at least 5 normal twin peeks till i got in buged one again..
    Server restart will fix it..

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