1. SOLVED: Solution to the merciless spamming on /global

    The overall quality or signal-to-noise of /global seems extremely poor on Lordaeron, even though I've only been here a couple of days. As we don't have the LFG tool, using this channel is still essentially mandatory, and a few people are abusing that by subjecting everyone to a pretty pathetic and narcissistic stream of consciousness conversation.

    However, we have add-ons on our side....

    try this:
    (this expands to a Mega URL that is very long and unwieldy)
    (although the .ZIP is called SpamThrottle-Authors, the actual folder in your addons directory should just be called SpamThrottle)

    Longer version:

    I picked up an old version of SpamThrottle for 3.3.0 (from here: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/...e/files/418039), and modified the code so it keeps track of how long it has been since a particular individual has last posted a message. This is like a "re-arm" threshold. I set the default to 60 seconds, but you can easily change that in game. So first time you log on, you'll see a message from our realm spammers. But if they send a second message in LESS time than your threshold, then that message gets filtered, AND the timer is reset.

    I recommend you try it out with colouring, not fully filtering, so you can see it working for you. Do this by typing

    /st color

    (American spelling) and it will filter messages by showing them dark grey. When you are happy with your threshold and frequency, you can make them fully hide like this:

    /st hide

    I modified the add-on purely for my own personal reasons and as always, take it as face value, but hopefully it will improve the quality of life of the 99% of us who are enjoying the Lordaeron experience and would prefer to keep the handful of *****s out of our conversations.


  2. Looks good on paper i will give it a try , thanks

  3. People spam on global? I for one am delighted to see all the enlightened individuals on this server engaging in stimulating conversation with one another, enriching each others warcraft experience through text based communication. Such addon would diminish these experiences if you ask me!
    Edited: February 27, 2017

  4. Say what!? Enlightened individuals engaging in WHAT? I haven't seen a proper class talk or wow-related topic on global since I was a child and retail moderators were gankin' everything not wow related...hell, even IF a conversation points to a ENLIGHTENING wow topic, 20 dudes will always end up in mom jokes, swearing and whatnot...no sir, there are no enriching, enlightened, engaging or otherwise WOW related topics in global. Thus, nice add-on

  5. "LF AN*L Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker" - this sentence pretty much sums up global chat.

  6. Say what!? Enlightened individuals engaging in WHAT? I haven't seen a proper class talk or wow-related topic on global since I was a child and retail moderators were gankin' everything not wow related...hell, even IF a conversation points to a ENLIGHTENING wow topic, 20 dudes will always end up in mom jokes, swearing and whatnot...no sir, there are no enriching, enlightened, engaging or otherwise WOW related topics in global. Thus, nice add-on
    That's an interesting perspective, perhaps I can give you another. You say mom jokes and swearing are not enlightening? Lets first take a look at the definition of enlightening.

    gerund or present participle: enlightening
    give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.
    "Christopher had not enlightened Frances as to their relationship"
    synonyms: inform, tell, make aware, open someone's eyes, notify, illuminate, apprise, brief, update, bring up to date;

    With this definition in mind, I can surely make a case that mom jokes give me greater knowledge of each players taste in humour, enlightening me on each and every players comedic preference, therefore making it easier to engage with the community on the server. The addon you are proposing would be doing the same thing those retail moderators did to your playing experience... filtering it. I for one can say that I do not like my WoW filtered...Thus, bad addon.

  7. I will enjoy even more ganking this guy in bgs, welcome to my focus bro :D

  8. Well turns out its actually bull****. No offense , but you described that the addon will filter similar/identic messages , atm since im running 2 accounts at the same time , one not having this addon enabled , completly ignores second message of each and every individual , even if its another complete sentence , so yea solved my ***.

  9. Hi Tupa

    That seems a bit strange. The logic about storing previous messages and filtering out duplicates is completely unchanged from the original SpamThottle add-on. I only modified it to simply detect multiple messages from the same individual within the same timeframe. Not wishing to teach you to suck eggs, but...

    - is it listed as SpamThrottle in the add-ons on the selection screen?
    - can you type /st and get the list of variables/options from the command line?
    - have you set it to be on? You just do: /st on
    - have you set an appropriate threshold for messages? Let's start with something obvious, i.e. people can only write to global once a minute. do this with:
    /st 60
    - have you turned on colour filtering first, with /st color
    - and then test by spamming from your other account to /global - so that way, it should allow the very first message OK, but if you send a 2nd message within a minute, the 2nd one (and subsequent ones) should be coloured grey, unless you wait a minute

    Seems to be working fine my end, the last thing I would want to do is share something that didn't work in the first place. See how you get on


  10. Also it doesn't filter your OWN messages

    Sorry Tupa, I missed another key point, the add-on won't filter your OWN messages, so check on your 2nd account if it's coming up. Here's the original code:

    if (SpamThrottleSettings.filterActive == false or arg2 == UnitName("player")) then -- if the filter is disabled or the messsage is originating from us...

    If the add-on is loaded, just set it to something ridiculous like:

    /st 600

    and I'm pretty confident one of our realm spammers will start posting more often than every 10 minutes....


  11. I dont think u understand , this addon is **** , trust me , do some testing with 2 wow instances.

    Used tupacalypsez as second acc with the addon disabled.

  12. If you look closely, it's working. From what I'm seeing, your top window HAS the addon enabled, the bottom one does NOT.

    So look bottom window, last three lines:
    (Tupac) Testing testing
    (Tupac) 1 2 3 <---- a second message, repeated pretty quickly
    (Kreg?) Lf tank [Halls of Stone] norm

    OK now look at the top window, last two lines:

    (Tupac) Testing testing
    (Kreg?) Lf tank [Halls of Stone] norm

    See? it hid the "1 2 3 " line because the addon sees that you're spamming.

    Try doing

    /st color

    and see if you are seeing lines coming up in dark grey - that shows you stuff that it thinks is spam but you can still see it.

    Let's see how you get on


  13. How the **** testing testing and 123 is similar message ? Are you on some drugs or anything? You state that this addon hides similar messeges , but if anything changed in the last 10 seconds and ppl change their message this addon blocks it either way , i proved you that but i see you take criticism very good. smh
    Adon is **** , dont bother

    Also check Shutter messages in the second window , its the exact **** i was talking about , if you dont see that as a problem i dont know that else to tell you.
    Edited: March 1, 2017 Reason: closer look

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