1. [TBC] Lock the max level cap at 60 for 2-4 weeks

    With the confirmation of the upcoming TBC server, I'd like to make this suggestion.

    Basically it is similar to how it worked on Lordaeron 2 years ago, making a level cap to lvl. 60, then to lvl. 70.

    Reason given by the staff back then was so everyone could already start leveling and preparing for the WotLk content, while the devs could polish the last remaining flaws in northrend.

    It also added a more blizz-like feeling, in the sense of starting off into the new expansion with an already-established character, which is, I think one of the reasons Lordaeron was such a huge success at the launch.

    I can see that this wouldn't be as appealing for the 5x server, but definitely worth looking into if the 1x server becomes reality aswell.

    I'll try to make a pros/cons list below to make more room for discussion;


    °Adds a blizz-like feeling - everyone can jump into outlands with an established character
    °Having a more even playground for serverfirst race - 60-70 is less overwhelming than 1-70
    °Time to work on professions - might be helpful to have a good economy

    °Not everyone wants to be stuck with a lvlcap and wants to start with TBC as soon as possible
    °Adds more work for the devs
    °As mentioned above, this would only really make sense on a 1x server, most will hit lvl.60 in 1-3 days on 5x rates (lower the cap to 1 week?)
    °As on Lordaeron, people will most likely do Molten Core/BWL ect. while waiting for the outland launch, I do not know how polished these raids will be as the focus will be on t4-6, this might would make the server look bad. (solution -> disable raids)

    Would love to hear some opinions/suggestions by the community and maybe an official statement by the staff on this topic
    Edited: April 2, 2017

  2. There is a problem that we observed when we did this on Lordaeron, though. That is having the vast majority of the realm's population entering Hellfire Peninsula at the same time. We can optimize the realm to where it doesn't lag in this case (maybe), but then you have hundreds of people competing for the same quest mobs and getting stuck in choke-points/bottlenecks on certain quest chains. I can definitely get where you're coming from, but letting people level straight through will help with the issue, even if a little bit when the bulk of the population arrives at the zone.

    I'd also like to add that we discussed this a lot internally, actually. And this is essentially the decision we arrived at. This in combination with the x5 rates allowing people to leave Hellfire at a relatively quick pace.

  3. I actually had this in mind for the cons list but somehow forgot to add this one. Definitely the biggest downside of this

  4. In any case, we'll take it into consideration. The official launch is some time away anyways.

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