1. June 2, 2017  

    What is TBC PvP Meta?

    Given that TBC has played out on private servers much longer than TBC ever existed on retail, did the meta change?

    What classes are dominant?
    How is the balance of PvP?
    How are the group dynamics of PvP?

    How does all of the above compare to WOTLK, to which I've played exclusively on private servers once retail went Cata?
    For example, in my memory, TBC had a lot less instant abilities and maybe if I remember correctly, less gimmicks than WOTLK.

    Your input is appreciated. Long explanations are welcome, just use paragraphs please! And if you want to insult someone in this thread, please GTFO.

  2. June 2, 2017  
    healer = druid or dpriest (paladins are viable in end game pve gear)

    jsut about every pure DPS class is viable, with rogues and locks having the most 't1' comps available to them. Pick what you want, just don't expect to be DPSing as an offspec healer, or healing as a shaman or paladin.

  3. June 3, 2017  
    Pretty much anything + restro druid in 2v2's

  4. June 3, 2017  
    healer = druid or dpriest (paladins are viable in end game pve gear)

    jsut about every pure DPS class is viable, with rogues and locks having the most 't1' comps available to them. Pick what you want, just don't expect to be DPSing as an offspec healer, or healing as a shaman or paladin.
    Rsham warrior was completely legit mate.

  5. June 4, 2017  
    I was a ltitle curious about a deeper examination than simply "All classes are OK".

    How does the burst compare to WOTLK? How strong are individual players compared to WOTLK? How bad is the PvE/PVP disparity?

  6. June 4, 2017  
    The meta in TBC pvp is resto druids using travel form, making them impossible to catch (also spamming cyclone).

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