1. Picking a class

    Can someone help me to pick a class for BC? Never played this xpack so I want to know wich classes are viable for: tanking, DPS and healing for both PvP and PvE. If someone can write pros. and cons. for each calss I will be very tankful. I know there are alot of threads like this but I never found an answer that helps me, because are full of trolls and stuff, so I decided to open one myself . Sorry if some people will get mad because they seen enough of this threads. :D

  2. Only 2 classes can tank and heal. Druids and paladins. Resto druids are viable healers in both pve and pvp. While holy paladins are limited in PVP due to few instant heals, not saying they can't work but they require more of you to get really high rated.
    On the flipside Protpaladins are 5man instances/10man raid gods due to high AOE threat that warriors and druids lack. They are also required in Hyjal :)
    None of thier dps specs are great in PVE but they are generaly accepted.

  3. The "clear" DPS classes - warlock, hunter, mage, rogue (and warrior) - usually perform very well in terms of DPS throughout the entire expansion. Both warlocks and mages are highly sought after for their utility and some specific boss mechanics. Hunters have MD, which is the only mechanic in TBC to help tanks with aggro. Rogues have probably the most reliable interrupt in the game. Warriors have good utility even as DPSers in the face of Demo Shout and Thunder Clap, and they're also one of the best cleave classes for standard packs of mobs (4-5). Warriors also tend to destroy the DPS meters in fights with AoE damage which fuels their rage.
    Edited: October 4, 2017

  4. Highest PVE Horde Raid dps Class and race.

    -Orc Hunter
    -Orc warlock
    -Orc Rogue

    Everything else fall behind.

  5. Regarding "hybrid" classes, that is classes that can perform more than 1 role - during TBC Blizzard was still supporting the idea that they should not perform as well as "clear" DPS classes, so as to not make the latter feel useless. Because of that, you will rarely see a druid, shaman, priest or paladin at the top of the meters on boss fights. Also, these classes still suffer from poor design in TBC, with shamans basically having only one viable spell after T6 (spam Lighting Bolt), druids having two offensive spells and no clear path on which one to use (Wrath vs Starfire), priests generating way too high threat and low DPS at the same time, and Alliance Retribution paladins being outright not viable.

    In defense of those classes, they are still worth taking due to the huge utility they provide. Raid leaders will try to have several paladins for several buffs, up to 5 shamans for BL/Hero in each raid group (one Enh for the melee group, one Ele for the caster group, and one Resto for the healer group), at least one SP to act as a mana battery in the healer group, and at least one moonkin for Improved Faerie Fire (and one more combat rez). The individual loss of DPS is thus largely offset by the synergy of auras and buffs.

    All in all, pick whatever you want - there is demand for every spec in the game (except Retri if you're Alliance).

  6. Thanks all of you for the answers. :D

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