1. I also noticed that with your gear setup you end up at like 11.32% hit rating (297) wouldn't it be better if you swap GSB Neck for BQL Neck (and stay with GSB Ring) and put some 12sp 10hit gems into your gear to reach 10.18% hit rating (267) for ALLIANCE players who have a draenei in their parties?
    I don't recall off the top of my head what the change in stats is like after swapping out Gunship Neck for BQL choker, and then compensating for the lost hit with gems, but I don't think this was a favourable tradeoff.

    Draenei racial of course changes things hugely!

  2. I don't recall off the top of my head what the change in stats is like after swapping out Gunship Neck for BQL choker, and then compensating for the lost hit with gems, but I don't think this was a favourable tradeoff.

    Draenei racial of course changes things hugely!
    Hey, GSB ring + neck is 297hit, 48.12% crit, 1565 haste
    BQL Neck + GSB ring w 2 orange 12sp 10hit gems ends up with 257hit, 99.80% hit chance (with draenei racial, which i have because im alliance), 49.53% crit and 1527 haste

    According to rawr, BQL neck setup sims about 12987 (with full bis), and GSB neck setup sims 12949, its pretty much the same, but maybe in a real situation the game might be bigger, what do you think?

    I also checked that you can get (with BQL Neck setup) T10 277 pants and GSB Gloves, with 3 12sp 10hit gems 12984 dps in sims, maybe that could be good too, always taking into account that i have draenei racial (which i always have)
    Edited: June 14, 2020 Reason: Adding another item setup

  3. July 6, 2020  
    Where in JC do you get runed cardinal ruby? I am 447 JC and don't have the recipe... I've looked everywhere. I'm on frostmourne server.

  4. July 8, 2020  
    You are on 3.09 naxxaramas REALM (not server), where there are NO epic gems. Scarlet Ruby/dragon eye until togc iirc

  5. Hi I wanted to know if its worth it to use NMIC if you have to reroll corr later because 4pt t10 proc, or should i ignore the proc and just use NMIC?.

  6. Hi I wanted to know if its worth it to use NMIC if you have to reroll corr later because 4pt t10 proc, or should i ignore the proc and just use NMIC?.
    Yeah, I am also wondering this! Ofc you want them both at the same time - but if NMIC is rolling and 4pt t10 procs, is it worth it to recast corr? Is the 10% bonus dmg better than the crit chance?
    Edited: August 3, 2020 Reason: Added info

  7. Yeah, I am also wondering this! Ofc you want them both at the same time - but if NMIC is rolling and 4pt t10 procs, is it worth it to recast corr? Is the 10% bonus dmg better than the crit chance?
    NMIC alone is better than t10 proc between 100-35% therefore you don't need to manually reapply corruption when you get t10 proc midfight. So you can ignore t10 proc if you used NMIC at the start BUT If you get t10 proc whilst NMIC proc is still active, you should reapply for even more damage increase.

  8. Isnt black magic enchant more valuable than 63 SP. Same logic as for a mage, even more here with high end burst phase?

  9. May 8, 2022  
    thanks im new i love this guide there is so much

  10. June 5, 2022  
    That guide is insanely qualitative, thanks you a lot for all those tips, details, calculs and ressources ! I'll read this lot of times to preparing my affliction lock.
    You really thought about everything it's possible to imagine, that's soooo useful !

    Again, thanks you for all the time you spent on it bro, it will be so useful.

  11. Dear Author, thanks for your beautiful work!
    And I have translated it into another language. May I share the translated version on another forum, please?
    Thanks a lot.

  12. WeakAura

    Do you have any WeakAura suggestions for this build?

  13. any detailed guide like this for destro?

  14. 3 Weeks Ago  
    So, how much haste i should be aiming for as affli?, im currently at 1296 w/o procs. Should i start gemming sp/crit?

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