1. Icecrown

    Hi, i really think it's cool that you made bgs for low gs and high gs. But i got a question, could you maybe make bgs for 5.5k gs and up and maybe 4-5.5k gs. i just turned 5k gs and i really are getting owned by high gs

  2. This is the very first iteration of the system, as time goes on they will make it better.
    Adding more "brackets" shouldn't be much of a problem if this results in better BGs.

  3. I agree that more categories would definitely help, I am 5.5k (mainly pve) and there is no way I can keep up with the usual BiS players from icecrown, unless they are incredibly bad. Getting in the gear range where the system considers you as "high gs" is basically a death sentence to your bg experience atm which is really counter intuitive for a mmorpg. Maybe a fix to this could be to seperate bgs into donor and non donor bgs? Because let's address the elephant in the room: No one complains about those 0.03% of players, who got shadowmourne by being skilled committed players, being in their bgs, people complain about there being 70% BiS players on each side. And many donors don't want to play with people who have low gear either. Lordaeron could be considered a true blizzlike server again and 6.2k gs healers no longer had to complain about having to heal 2k warlocks who gets onehit anyways. I have no idea how this would affect faction or gear balance overall, but I just wanted to get it out there as a thought. I would love to hear what donors/non-donors think of this, because in most bgs I've been in so far the BiS donors blamed the low gs people (alias lordaeron plebs) for the loss and vice versa. Just to be clear I don't refer to donors as: "accounts that have helped letting this server running", but as ingame characters with gear from the shop. This thought relies on the same basis as you seperating icecrown and lordaeron servers in the first place, I know that the merge was necessary for population reasons, but it might make more sense to mix lordaeron with icecrown players who want to earn their gear ingame aswell. I am not sure where blackrock players would end up with this system but I'd tend to the donor bgs, since their very useful starter gear doesn't come from blizzlike sources either. I hope I didn't walk too far off topic, but I still feel like it fits here since it addresses the same issue, just with a different and maybe better solution, so I'd be pleased if I didn't get another penatly for being off topic, thanks in advance Obnoxious, I am just really passionate about PvP and its balance and otherwise having a great time on warmane so far.

  4. so I'd be pleased if I didn't get another penatly for being off topic, thanks in advance Obnoxious, I am just really passionate about PvP and its balance and otherwise having a great time on warmane so far.
    It was reversed a little afterwards, I had just marked the wrong post.

    About the topic, I brought it up literally a week ago, when another thread had suggested the same thing. The reply I got was that making brackets more specific would make queues impossible to deal with, hence it was rejected.

  5. The reply I got was that making brackets more specific would make queues impossible to deal with, hence it was rejected.
    Seperating chars who got their gear ingame from people who got it from the shop shouldn't break que times, since I am convinced that the vast majority of people who are in low gs bgs atm didn't get their gear from the shop, so it would bascially be that pool + some people who are atm in the high gs bgs. And I also doubt that we will ever be short of people with gear from the shop who want to play bgs. I have no idea of the technical limitations of this, since it would require shop gear to be distinguishable from ingame rewards, and I don't know if you implemented some sort of marker for that.

    From the bgs I played thus far, this felt like the overall desire of most people who were in there and complained about other player's gear.

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